Alerts USA! Whats Happening Behind the Curtain!

Alerts USA! Whats Happening Behind the Curtain!

January 24, 2014 Disaster Emergency I Am Liberty Planning 0

Alerts USA! Whats Happening Behind the Curtain!
Host: James “I Am Liberty”

AlertsAcross the web there are many different ways to get your information. I think its normal that all of us want to be the first to know and we want to know that our news is the real deal. There are so many news outlets now and I feel confident that we have built a sound structure within our minds to discern the truth from the bull. Still, what if there are events that we need to know about before the public?

AlertsIf things ever go South fast. Those precious moments before the masses get word of the danger will make your plans most effective. So how do you get the buzz early and who do you trust? Well I have one of the best sources for you on this weeks episode of I AM Liberty.

Stephen Austakalnis is the owner and leader of Alerts USA. A man who has made it his business to keep a finger on the pulse of threats to our freedom. His mobile alert service is the best available and is used by many top tier intelligence agencies, as well as well known corporations and even branches of our own military. We will be talking current events in and out of the country so don’t miss this guest. Come to the chat or call (646)-716-4008 to ask Steven about his service and whats happening in the world.

AlertsTonight we will talk to Stephen about the many goings on in the world. Its important to stay informed. With the Sochi Olympics coming up there will be incredible opportunity for violence and disorder. Not to mention the many dangers here in this country.

I don’t often subscribe to the what if’s and the many Doomsday Prepper theories out there. What I tend to subscribe to however are the cold hard facts and Stephen Austakalnis of Alerts USA will bring you just that. The facts of what’s happening now and what that will mean later.

So don’t miss this episode of I AM Liberty. Take advantage of the opportunity ot communicate with one of the very best and most knowledgeable resources out there.
Visit IAm Liberty website Go Here!

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