Frequencies in Communications!

Frequencies in Communications!
Communications Five-Phase Program
David A. Vine “All Hazards Communications Preparedness” Audio player below
A critical concern in All Hazards Communications Preparedness 5-Phase Process planning is available radio frequencies and their assigned uses. Preppers must include available this information in their Communications planning. This planning is vital to equipment selection.
The All hazards Communications Preparedness features an explanation of the most important radio frequencies and assigned radio bands useful to Preppers.
Listen to this broadcast or download “Frequencies in Communications” in this player!
Show host David A. Vine talks about a variety bands used by many different types of radio operators. This includes unlicensed users, amateur radio licensees, shortwave broadcasters, public safety and other radio services in common use.
Frequencies between 420 MegaHertz up to more than 275 GigaHertz are available to amateur radio operators but they are not generally in common use for communications, at least for now. Affordable radio equipment used by Preppers dictate what frequencies can be used for radio communications.
All Hazards Communications Preparedness radio frequencies and they’re assigned use for communications purposes are an important consideration in planning. Host David Vine will discuss a range of topics centered around us communication band assignments, radio frequencies and affordable radio gear for Preppers on the show Tuesday, November 6, 2018 from 9 to 10 pm Eastern on the Prepper Broadcasting Network. Click here to listen live, call in via phone or participate in the chatroom activity during the show:
All Hazards Communications Preparedness “LIVE SHOW” every Tuesday 9:00/Et 6:00/Pt Go To Listen and Chat
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communications Frequencies Frequencies in Communications Preparedness radio bands radio frequencies