Category: water collection and storage

DIY Atmospheric Water Generator. WATER FROM THIN AIR!

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April 13, 2024 0

DIY Pull Water from the Air and Make it Drinkable

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March 20, 2024 0

Home Water Purification for Disaster Preparedness

No matter how prepared you are for a disaster, the one thing that will always be in short supply is clean water. It’s important to have a plan for purifying your drinking water and making it safe to drink. There are many types of water filters on the market, but not all will do an…
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November 3, 2021 0

Why You Should Choose Coconut Water for Hydration

It’s essential to have products that sustain one’s health, especially in times of crisis. This is why, besides being careful about what you eat, you should also think about what you drink to keep your body in top shape. This is where coconut water comes into play, as it’s a great source of vitamins and…
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June 8, 2020 0

Winter Time Water Procurement

Winter Time Water Procurement! Ryan & Colin Buford “The Next Generation” Audio player below! Even in the dead of winter, water is the greatest source of life we have. But winter has its own challenges when it comes to access to water. Cold temperatures often wreak havoc on the typical water sources. Take a look…
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December 29, 2018 0

Water Witch Hunt!

Water Witch Hunt Ryan & Collin Buford “The Next Generation” Audio player below! We are on a witch hunt this week, but not the way you think. We’re not after Supreme Court Justices, or witches of Salem long past. We are hunting for witches who defy nature’s laws Skilled at seeking out water by dowsing…
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October 22, 2018 0

Harvesting Rainwater Reality Check

Harvesting Rainwater Reality Check Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below! “Water, water, everywhere, And all the boards did shrink; Water, water, everywhere, Nor any drop to drink.” -Samuel Taylor Coleridge. As preppers, we all know how vital water is to survival. We have the filters, the chemicals, the storage barrels, and most of us…
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May 19, 2018 0

WATER IS LIFE: Catchment, Purification & Storage

WATER IS LIFE: Catchment, Purification & Storage Bobby Akart “Prepping For Tomorrow” Audio in player below! On this episode of the Prepping for Tomorrow program, Author Bobby Akart discusses the importance of water in your preparedness plans. The Prepper Rule of Three’s postulates that one can only live three minutes without air, three hours

December 2, 2016 0

Water Is Life on Prepping Academy

Water Is Life! Forrest & Kyle “The Prepping Academy” Listen in player below! One of the most important aspects of prepping, water. It is a life giving fundamental we take for granted every day. Whether you’re at home or work you always have ease of access to it. What happens though when the power goes…
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November 5, 2016 0

Bottled Water-Is It Really Safe for Your Family?

Bottled Water-Is It Really Safe for Your Family? Water is everywhere, right? It’s a natural resource. As a smart prepper you know that water is one of those basic necessities you need to have stockpiled when SHTF. The most convenient way to stockpile water for a lot of preppers, especially those who urban dwellers, planning…
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March 26, 2016 0

6 Critical Mistakes When Collecting Rainwater!

6 Critical Mistakes When Collecting Rainwater! Rainwater is safe. Rainwater is free. Rainwater needs to be harvested. Unless you leave near a nuclear plant or in a highly polluted region, you shouldn’t shy away from collecting and stockpiling as much rainwater as possible. Although it’s a little acidic, so are many of the foods we…
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June 23, 2015 4

Spring Cleaning!

Spring Cleaning! Host Lynna “A Preppers Path” Spring and the inevitable Spring Cleaning saga begins. It’s the same story every spring, not that your home is particularly dirty or messy but we all feel that urge to sweep out the winter and bring in the new, the natural cycle of the seasons. Walking down the…
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March 14, 2015 0

Water and the pumps to get it!

Water and the pumps to get it! Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty” Next to oxygen there is no resource more precious on this planet than water. I used to think water would be the least of my worries because I had a magic faucet that spit out clean water until forever. It becomes one…
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February 6, 2015 0