Guns! Not meant for everyone!
Gun classes and getting the proper permits is always a good idea. As Preppers and American citizens we also have the right to bear arms. Should this include everyone? As you will see in this ad from Keller’s Riverside store, there are opinions that guns are not meant for everyone.
Prepping, Live from Reno Nevada (((Ranters Radio)))
A Splinter of a Guardians Life… Our guest for (((Ranters Radio))) on Wed Oct.26th will be James Biesterfeld. James may very well be …”The invisible man”…. James is one of the people we all wish we could talk too, but were never allowed. Now…we have James LIVE exclusively on (((Ranters Radio))) to talk about unsettling…
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Debt and Prepping!
I’ve heard the question and seen it posed on many forums; do I forgo bills in order to build my preps? Maybe pay just the minimum on my bills in order to build on my preps or do I not worry about my preps until I have my bills paid off? How about screw the…
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The Armchair Survivalist! Tonight 8:00pm/Central
Tonight: Monday 10/24/2011 8:00pm/Central He can help you stay safe, well fed and healthy. Kurt will help you handle nearly anything that does, or could, lower your ability to survive. If he doesn’t know the answer to your question, he can tell you where to go to get it. Kurt’s show will help you gain…
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Energy that can be used for healing!
Tonight’s Show: Pathways to Conscious Living! Saturday 10/22/2011 8:30pm/Central On this week’s show we will be discussing more on the different types of energy that can be used for healing and personal development. Our hosts will discuss the different types of energies, their ‘textures’ and usage in healing, and how to draw in specific energies…
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The White House talks about Prepper Logic and Prepper Broadcasting!
The white house knows where the really true information comes from as seen in this prepper video.
PrepperLogic “Thoughts On Occupy Wall Street”
Friday: 10/21/2011 8:00pm/Central We will continue to examine the hard push for socialism that is growing throughout our country, explore its roots and discuss its current effects. We will attempt to make sense of the Occupy Wall Street movement, take a look at who is funding it and try to figure out exactly what the…
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Water water everywhere but not a drop to drink?
Thursday: 10/20/2011 8:00pm/Central Go to Listen and Chat tab above. Water water everywhere but not a drop to drink? Water our vital link. Lets get all wet and talk about WATER, storage, purity, availability and more. Special guest Jeff Gleason The Berkey Guy. Is there a never ending supply? Get ready for the prepper in…
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(((Ranters Radio))) the web sensation is taking the world by storm!
(((Ranters Radio))) the web sensation is taking the world by storm! Our discussions have become legendary, and topics of many “water cooler” chats. Will you join us Wednesday? Or will you be left in the dark yet again. Socialist/Liberals are uniting, Conservatives are sitting on the sidelines. Will you just sit idly by as our…
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How do Preppers get good information?
Did you know the finest internet prepper radio hosts on the web can be found right here? You may think these hosts have been doing this all their lives. They haven’t. Do they have degrees in broadcasting? Are they making large sums of money? The answer is a simple no. You may be wondering now,…
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Pine Trees For Survival!
The “Pine Tree” can quite arguably be considered the Survivalists (and Preppers) number one friend in the forest. Not only can every part of this highly versatile king of the woods be used, but those uses can range anywhere from shelter and heat to food and medicinal purposes, and even some less well known uses…
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The Preppers Diet!
What kind of food do you have stored for SHTF? What kind of food are you learning to produce on your own? What kind of food do you expect to eat months after SHTF, years? The simple answer is likely nothing like what you have in your kitchen today. Most of us have a ton…
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