Category: Planning

Wild Fires and Hurricanes!

Seasonal trials and tribulations visit The Other Side of a Preppers Path as Janet of FedHealth joins Lynna to shed some light on the current seasons of Wild Fire and Hurricane.  You can avert or divert some disasters, find out how. Janet and Lynna always have a rousing conversation packed full of information for anyone…
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August 11, 2013 0

The first known human target for drones on U.S. soil

When we look at tactical scenarios from both sides, we learn from both successes and failures.  This Monday on The Gun Show, we are joined again by special guest “Snoddy” as we breakdown Chris Dorner’s fatal errors, leading to his crucifixion in the cabin. From shoot outs to tactics – listen in and learn from…
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July 22, 2013 0

In the Aftermath of a Disaster!

As individuals who make preparing a way of life through not only our mindset but physical actions the aftermath is in fact what we prepare for.  No matter the event, planned, natural or man-made it’s what comes, after, that we prepare for.  On this episode of The Other Side…A Preppers Path we have an open…
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July 21, 2013 0

Surviving, finding safety in numbers!

A healthy prepper or survival group is more than a happy one, it’s a group that can function as needed in order to carry out the day to day tasks required to survive an emergency situation.  Daily tasks become difficult to impossible when your whole group is sick with influenza or some other contagion that…
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July 13, 2013 1

From Doomsday Preppers Lisa Bedford, The Survival Mom

Tonight Dave Womach meets up with Lisa Bedford, The Survival Mom, to get a woman’s perspective on prepping. You’ve surely seen her on National Geographic’s Doomsday Preppers, and now’s your chance to get up close and personal with her on air. Prepping as a woman is unique when it comes to firearms and training. Find…
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June 24, 2013 0

Self-Reliance in the concrete jungle!

Living in the urban locale and the realities of being prepared are Sunday’s hot topics. How can we get there? Urban localities have their own challenges with limited land, storage space, people everywhere and plain old time. How do we prepare for calamity large or small, man-made or by Mother Nature. Living in the city does…
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June 22, 2013 0

Is that a train you hear? Well, unless you live beside a railway line, it just may be a tornado!

One might think that preparing for tornadoes in Canada would be pretty low on the priority list.  After all, isn’t tornado alley in the US?  The number of tornadoes in Canada as well as the breadth of the danger zone may surprise you.  On this Episode of The Prepared Canadian I’ll give you a few…
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April 20, 2013 0

P.R.E.P.S. Teaching and consulting on real situational survival.

As a Nation, the new young leader of North Korea bombards us daily with hostile threats of nuclear devastation.  Our news media until recently encourages us to shrug off the threats, that they can’t match their ability with their rhetoric. What is the actual threat capability are there surprises that should jump start prepping again…
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April 7, 2013 2

Are you prepared? Not just for the basics but…

Are you prepared? Not just for the basics of food storage, water, shelter, cooking and what have you but a truly catastrophic event.  The loss of someone, a significant other, OR you get sick and are out of commission, who takes up the slack?  What is the slack, can your life go on if you…
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March 3, 2013 0

Prepping for newbies & challenges faced by apartment Preppers!

On this airing of  The Prepared Canadian we will be continuing our discussion of prepping for beginners.  As promised, we will take a particular look at overcoming some of the challenges faced by apartment preppers such as space restrictions and alternative cooking & heating options. Also, I will be announcing a province wide meet up…
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February 16, 2013 0

First-hand accounts about the life of a true homesteader!

There is a lot of interest in being self-sufficient these days. People are looking for information on how to grow and store their own food, provide their own meats, go off-grid with solar setups… get out of the system so to speak. We see a lot of these things in videos and on TV, and…
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February 1, 2013 0

Preparing now for a worst case scenario.

Regardless if we fear a super-earthquake, a volcano eruption, war, or an EMP attack, survival will depend on being prepared. Only those who take on the responsibility now and are ready to learn sustainable skills will survive with some sense of security. Join Common Sense Prepping with Deb as she and her guest Host, Sargent…
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February 1, 2013 0

Tools for Preppers to disappear in plain sight”

Come join us Tuesday December 18th at 8pm central time, as we discover “Tools for Preppers to disappear in plain sight”. Tonight on “Preparing For Life’s Storms” BexarPrepper’s guest will be Author Frank M. Ahearn , of “How to Disappear: Erase Your Digital Footprint, Leave False Trails, and Vanish without a Trace” and “The Digital…
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December 18, 2012 0