Category: Survival Tips

Bug Out Locations!

Bug Out Locations Forrest Garvin “The Prepping Academy” Audio player below! There are various scenarios from the possibility of natural disasters to post-apocalyptic chaos that prompt people to find secret locations where they can exist off the grid. When there’s a natural disaster that covers quite a large area – like a hurricane, the necessity…
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November 14, 2017 0

SHTF Pest Control!

SHTF Pest Control Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below! I do not know of a single human on this planet who enjoys mosquitoes, ticks, roaches, or creepy crawlies. Barring the entomologist in the world, being outside with bugs can mess up a perfect camping trip. Fortunately, there are many options to spray around and…
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November 11, 2017 0

It’s BIG! Really BIG!

It’s BIG! Really BIG! For the past several weeks here at Prepper Broadcasting we have been waiting patiently for not just any show but the right show to come along and fill Thursday nights where we have been broadcasting the “Best of” series. Then it happens, we found a show that will knock your socks…
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October 29, 2017 0

Back To Basics – Basic Preparedness!

Back To Basics – Basic Preparedness. Forrest Garvin “The Prepping Academy” Audio player below! On this episode of the “The Prepping Academy” Forrest and Tenderfoot are going to be discussing getting back to preparedness basics. What are you getting prepared for? What skills do you need? What do you need to purchase?

October 24, 2017 0

Reality Check Bugging In or Bugging Out Pt 2

Bugging In or Bugging Out Pt 2 Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below! In this show, we continue the discussion, part 2 of the hardest question many of us contend with. On this episode of Reality Check I will be discussing some of the pros and cons of bugging out as well as the…
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October 14, 2017 0

Brass Monkey Weather is Here!

Brass Monkey Weather is Here – What da ya Do? Host: Lynna… “A Preppers Path” Audio player provided! Sakes alive it’s already Brass Monkey Weather! Brrrrrrrrrrr only early October and the car thermometer says it’s 28 degrees! That’s not the coldest weather of course but not being ready for the crispness of fall it’s darn…
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October 11, 2017 0

Having Access or Escape!

Having Access or Escape! James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio player below! I want to look at some ideas and thoughts concerning access. Its a topic that we rarely discuss. There are a number of reasons why. The major one is because of laws. Breaking and entering is a big deal in our society, as…
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September 21, 2017 0

Texas and the Catastrophes

Texas and the Catastrophes Bob Hawkins “The APN Report“ Audio player below! Hurricane season still hasn’t hit it’s peak and already it has laid at our feet a huge amount of devastation, delivered in one storm into the Gulf coast of Texas & Louisiana. It gives one pause to wonder just what more lies ahead.…
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September 3, 2017 0

Want Information? The Round Table Grand Slam!

Want Information? The Round Table Grand Slam! Have you ever felt unsure, will it work kind of unsure? You’ve spent a lot of time and preparation putting this one together and the variables that could cause a major malfunction are many. Check the list and recheck, what was missed? When you’re all done you give…
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July 29, 2017 0

6 Gifted Preppers Sitting at The Round Table and the Subject?

6 Gifted Preppers Sitting at The Round Table and the Subject? In seeking to be a little more self-reliant and independent we strive to learn all we can. We find ourselves, spending countless hours searching endless resources because no one person has the answer to all our questions. There are those self-proclaimed experts that believe…
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July 23, 2017 0

The Solo Prepper Resource Run

The Solo Prepper Resource Run James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio player below! To build a home of self-sufficiency and preparedness one of the most important things you can do is to include all of those involved in the technology, skills and procsses that allow you to live that lifestyle. In other words, you want…
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July 13, 2017 0

8 Life Hacks for Being Prepared

8 Life Hacks for Being Prepared You will never be prepared for every situation life can throw your way, and that is a fact. However, if you want to be able to find your way out of the majority of prickly situations, that can be managed. Investing time and energy to learn and hone certain…
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July 10, 2017 0

Summer Heat Tips to Stay Cool!

Summer Heat Tips to Stay Cool! Bob Hawkins “The APN Report“ Audio player provided! No doubt about it, summer is coming on strong. I don’t know about you but I’m built more for cooler climates… I naturally have a layer of fat that would allow me to backstroke in ice-choked water if I was a…
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June 16, 2017 0