Category: Survival Tips

Bucket caches on The Crooked Path to Preparedness!

This week on The Crooked Path to Preparedness Sissy Bob’s guests are suvivalist/bushcrafters FullSpectrumSurvival.  Sissy Bob came across their channel and had to sub because the first video she saw they were talking about bucket caches and we all know how much Sissy Bob loves to use buckets in prepping.  Any new tips and tricks in…
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September 11, 2012 0

Tatics and safety during a time of societal Collapse.

This Tuesday on Off Grid Preppers, Big John and Barbara talk about safety during a time of societal Collapse. If you plan to run a generator or use oil lamps and emergency candles for a grid-down situation, learn tactical measures how NOT to announce your preparedness to others who may want what you have! Join us for…
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September 11, 2012 0

Survivor-Jane, It’s A Disaster’s Janet Liesbch, JJ Johnson,Goat Hollow, Survival Mom, Katzcradul, Atticus9799 and more on American Preppers Radio!

National Preparedness Month September 2012. Yes it’s that time again, a month long focus on getting and being Prepared for Emergencies or just plain living. The Other Side of A Preppers Path kicks off Natl Preparedness with a round table of Preparedness Experts. King Arthur had his knights of the round table BUT we have…
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September 6, 2012 0

Herbalist, Susun Weed joins The Other Side…A Preppers Path!

The debilitating cost of medical treatment in today’s world is a specter for all.  That specter looms directly in the form of the Big Pharmaceutical Company. The price and actual safety of the medicines many have come to depend upon is definitely in question and inflated beyond reach for those most in need.  What is…
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August 23, 2012 0

Preparing For Life’s Storms talking about dehydrating!

So on “Preparing For Life’s Storms” we’ve covered gardening, canning and communications. About now your exhausted from all the gardening and canning and you want to do something easy with those end of season harvest that are just to small to can. So this week were going to be talking about dehydrating. What can you…
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August 21, 2012 0

Bruce “Buckshot” Hemming of joins The Preppers Poitin Hour!

This Monday evening, at 9pm eastern, only on The Pereppers Poitin Hour, join Chris as he interviews author and trapping expert Bruce “Buckshot” Hemming of Buckshot dove into the PAW fiction waters some time ago with his novel “Grid Down Reality Bites.” Join Chris and Bruce as they learn more about his colorful characters,…
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August 20, 2012 0

Dr Bones and Nurse Amy on Aj’s Prep Talk!

On This airing of Aj’s Prep Talk Aj will be talking about the medical side of prepping. We will hear from special guests Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy. They have a youtube channel; a web site called Doom and Bloom and has written several articles and books.  Dr. Bones is an M.D. as well as…
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August 20, 2012 0

Challenges! You can Prep, you can be READY!

When faced with a challenge many believe it’s impossible! As Preppers we focus on the challenges of Prepping! Climbing Mt Everest; descending into the Marianas Trench; raising a child…All thought impossible by someone somewhere until THEY DID IT! Lynna’s guest on this episode of “The Other Side…A Preppers Path” is well known prepper, radio host, blogger, and author The Covert…
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August 16, 2012 0

OldGeezerPrepper and Communications with “Bexar Prepper”

Ever feel overwhelmed with trying to understand how to communicate off-grid. Ok you got CB’s, hams, high and low frequency, pricey and cheap antenna’s? Well on this episode of “Preparing For Life’s Storms” we talked about setting up our communications and communications network. OldGeezerPrepper from YouTube helped us to understand the basic and also answered…
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August 7, 2012 0

MrsVolfie and favorite home remedies on The Prepper Broadcasting Network!

MrsVolfie of The Homestead Honey Hour takes the lead and the discussion is favorite home remedies and wild herbals medicine. With calls into the show and a large number of preppers in the chat room many favorite home remedy recipes were shared! Personally I have never heard of so many different cures for different ailments that can…
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July 12, 2012 0

Happy to Survive!

A new magazine has just hit the internet for Preppers and Survivalists alike, “Happy to Survive” and not just another doom and gloom magazine. The founder and contributors to this new magazine have gone all out to provide us all with the “best” in informative and useful information you can find. Topics are endless, articles…
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July 6, 2012 0

Tobias Truman, Life Straws, and The Homestead Honeys!

Join in and listen to this show from Thursday, July 5th, for another episode of The Homestead Honey Show. Katzcradule and a special guests joining her on the air, Tobias Truman…and he’s bringing give-aways! LifeStraws! I’ll be asking two questions during the show, and you’ll have to be the first one to call in with…
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July 6, 2012 0

A Preppers path and “The Emotional Toll”

The Other Side of Surviving a Disaster…. The Emotional Toll… Your preps are set, you’ve done your homework, practiced and trained. The fact is surviving a natural disaster has to do with much more than getting through the environmental, physical, and financial aspects of the disaster. The increased vulnerability that most people experience when they…
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May 29, 2012 0