Category: Survival Tips

“The Mighty ‘Get Home Bag’”. You never know when the unthinkable is going to happen.

Join Paladin Prepper for this week’s ‘Prepper Point’… “The Mighty ‘Get Home Bag’” on “The Paladin Prepper Report”. You never know when the unthinkable is going to happen. There you are, 25 miles from home. You might be at work, visiting a friend, shopping, or whatever. Then ‘IT’ happens. Something happens. Right now, you don’t…
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December 6, 2012 1

“Foraging For Life” The risks, dangers and the more easily identifiable wild edibles!

This Friday on “Foraging For Life” we are going to discuss some of the safety issues surrounding foraging for wild edibles, and the reality concerning the  risks and dangers involved that are created by not only mother nature, but yes, our own government and chem trails. I’ll be leading the first part of the show…
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November 23, 2012 0

Water, Food, First-Aid Kit and toilet paper. What am I missing?

“Bug out Bags” Water, Food, First-Aid Kit and toilet paper. What should you include in your Go Bag, GOOD (get out of dodge) Bag, 72-hour kit, Egress Bag, E&E bag, grab bag, bail-out bag and so on? Considering weight what are the necessary items to carry. Do women need different items than men? Join us…
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November 20, 2012 0

Canadian Preppers have a host for broadcasting prepper related material.

A new prepper podcast has hit the internet and we are going to try it out!  Go to home page and this will be in player 1 today 11/13/2012 at 6:00pm/Central, after airing, the show player will be added to this post for archived listen. It would be a great help to hear from those…
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November 13, 2012 0

Hurricane Sandy, A Resident Interview!

Were you prepared for Hurricane Sandy?  My guest on this airing on “Prepping With GoatHollow” this Wednesday will be “Ed from Pennsylvania”.  He’ll talk about how he prepared ahead of time, how those preparations helped him cope with the storm, and what lessons he learned.  Prepping isn’t only for the end of the world!  It…
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November 7, 2012 1

FullSpectrumSurvival! Are you prepared to survive any situation?

Are you prepared to survive any situation? I’m not, so how do we get to that point in our comfort level of preparedness? Join “FullSpectrumSurvival” November 6th at 8pm central time with BexarPrepper  the host of  “Preparing for Life’s Storms” as we learn how to evaluate our environment and prepare our own scenario’s to greatly…
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November 6, 2012 0

Tony Nester and the mindset of self-reliance!

The WAIT is over! We are on the schedule.  Veteran Survival Instructor Tony Nester of Ancient Pathways will be joining the Other Side of a Preppers Path Mon. Oct 29th 7pm eastern in his first of two full shows. We’ll begin with the mindset of self-reliance. Who needs it? In a nutshell EVERYBODY!  The proven most effective way to…
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October 29, 2012 0

A talk about high security, self- sufficient residences and retreats

Let’s take a look at home security. Is your home secure? Furthermore is your home location conducive to your safety regarding economical, biological or political threat? Are you living in a locale that aids you or places roadblocks in your quest for preparedness and safety? These are questions we often neglect to ask during times…
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October 14, 2012 0

Long term storage concerns of Preppers!

Join Deb Friday 10/12/2012 on “Common Sense Prepping” for a good old fashioned Chit-chat on long term storage concerns of Preppers.  Deb will be specifically speaking about food preps and the quantities needed for at least one year. Each consecutive week we will discuss different areas and levels of concern, but we will talk in…
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October 12, 2012 0

What if we are hit with a Plague?

As Preppers, we plan for the worst and hope for the best. We just never know from one day to the next what can impact our lives. There are some things such as natural disasters and accidents we expect to happen, and although they can leave us feeling at a loss, a plague, is a…
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October 5, 2012 0

When pollination of certain fruits and vegetables stops.

Do to tech problems with blogtalk this show did not air and will be rescheduled! This Tuesday 6:00pm/Central on Off Grid Preppers with your host Barbara we’re going deep into the rabbit hole…when pollination of certain fruits and vegetables stops. Think that will never happen? It already has. Find out why and tips on hand…
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September 24, 2012 0

Dealing with trying times ahead on The Homestead Honey Hour!

On this show of the Homestead Honey Hour, Noreen will be taking the wheel and bringing on a heavy topic.  Have you been paying attention?  Our world is turning topsy turvy.  From turmoil in the middle east to trouble on the home front, we are facing trying times here in America and across the world.  …
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September 20, 2012 1

Trigger Points and Windows of Opportunity.

On “The Lost Art of Prepping” we will be discussing Trigger Points and Windows of Opportunity. Knowing when to react and when to make a decisive move. And making sure you don’t over react before it is time to. With all of what’s going on in our world and time, knowing when to be at…
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September 19, 2012 0