Category: Lighting

Thanksgiving off grid workshop making candles!

Thanksgiving off grid workshop making candles! Living off grid for most means solar power for light to see when darkness falls and solar means sun. But when living in norther or southern latitudes the sun does not visit long and is often obscured by snow, rain, or a few clouds. We can not rely totally…
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November 23, 2017 0

Illumination, High Tech & Low Tech

Illumination, High Tech & Low Tech Highlander “Survival & Tech Preps” Have you thought about Illumination for preps, whether it be flash lights, gas lanterns, solar lights, and even chemical lights? The need for illumination in shtf go’s without saying, we have to have it. It seems as though the market has made leaps and bounds…
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August 2, 2016 0

Lighting innovations!

Lighting innovations Host: Destiny Survival When the power goes out, and it’s dark, the first thing we want is light–even before food and water. It not only helps us see, but it provides us with comfort and reassurance. Of course, you want a dependable light source. My DestinySurvival Radio guest and I talked about a…
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March 8, 2015 0