Category: Guns

Gunsmithing the 1911 Part 2

Hello TEAM GUNMETAL!! This week, I’m going to finish up my 1911 Gunsmithing podcast, talk a bit more about some mods you can make to a 1911, ways to take care of common 1911 problems… and if I have enough time… I’ll discuss some other handguns and gunsmithing them. I will touch on the Bible…
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March 21, 2019 2

Mass Shootings Guns and the Blame Game

Mass Shootings Guns and the Blame Game! James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio player below! This week we are starting a 3 part series on mass shootings. The first week is going to be an in depth discussion about guns. We know the role that they play in these disasters but what do we really…
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March 22, 2018 0

Range Bags, gear, and gun mags!

Range Bags, gear, and gun mags Dane… “The Gunmetal Armory” Audio player provided! For Gunmetal Armory’s 4th show, and our first HOLIDAY SHOW, we discuss a few topics that came to us via request. We are going to talk range bags, rifle & pistol mags, Good mags vs. Bad mags, Good ammo vs. Corrosive “Bad”…
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December 1, 2017 0

Use of Dragons Breath In Shotguns

Use of Dragons Breath In Shotguns Dragons breath, to define it in the most precise way, it is a highly charged powder used in shotgun shells. This can be used with 12 gauge shotgun shells. Further, it can be said that it is an exotic flammable round that can not be used in auto-loading or semi-automatic…
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July 5, 2014 3

Of Knives and Guns!

Of Knives and Guns on The Human Path: Buying, caring for and using knives and guns can be overwhelming to a lot of people. Learning enough practical information about these very important tools and weapons before making a purchase can help save a lot of money and frustration. Join Sam Coffman as he discusses several points…
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September 25, 2013 1

Special Ops Tactical on The Gun Show! Win a AR15 tonight

Join us July 29 on The Gun Show as we interview Special Ops Tactical’s Garrett Potter, founder and CEO. He’ll help us understand why his AR15 is better than the competition, and why he’s one of only 2 guys in the world to use a secret material, that significantly extends the life of the weapon.…
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July 29, 2013 1

The Gun Show! on is giving away a High End AR-15

Have you ever wanted an AR-15? Would you like to up grade from that thing your using and increase your odds of survival? How ’bout just adding what may well be one of the best rifles you will ever own to your arsenal? Monday July 29th right here at American Preppers Radio ( on…
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July 15, 2013 0

From Doomsday Preppers & YouTube “SouthernPrepper1”

David Kobler, or as most people know him: SouthernPrepper1 from YouTube and National Geographic Doomsday Preppers. He’s a prepper, soldier, Christian, and a true patriot. From salvaging parts, to building a retreat and training for tactics, David knows his stuff. With more than 50,000 subscribers on YouTube, David is sought after for his knowledge and…
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June 10, 2013 0

Johnathan Snodgrass aka Snoddy – Memorial Day “The Gun Show”!

Yes, If things keep going the way they are now for the next 1-3 years, Yes, I could see our Economy Crash, SHTF and Citizens Rise Up against this Administration, Rebel Against it. Yeah I could share my war stories and considering the fact…. The Treasury is printing money to stay afloat our dollar could…
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May 27, 2013 0

What would it be like to fight after SHTF?

Ever wonder what it’d be like to fight after SHTF? What if it was triggered by a grid down due to economic collapse, or worse yet, an EMP? Would you be ready to fight without the use of modern equipment and communications? In a way, it’d be like getting teleported back in time to the…
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May 20, 2013 0

First Lieutenant Harry Golden, discover the real secrets of fighting for your life.

Imagine being ambushed by al Queda on a bridge in their home turf.  You go black on ammo and are forced to re-supply off your dead and wounded.  When that goes south, you’re left with nothing but a pistol.  The combat report comes in after the battle, and you’ve officially just dodged more than 2,000 rounds while…
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April 14, 2013 0

Making it out alive, three weapons you should have!

We’ve all seen the movie, Red Dawn, where North Korea invades and we’re on our own.  Given current events, this is appearing to be less of a fiction and more of a possible reality.  Today on the Gun Show we’ll dive into the top 3 guns you need for this situation, and explore that various…
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April 8, 2013 1

The grid goes down, and ammo supplies dry up?

What happens when the grid goes down, and ammo supplies dry up? You’re simply forced into three options. Have no ammo Steal ammo Make your own ammo   We’ll spend the day talking about the third option, since the first two are off the table. Reloading your own ammo is not only fun and rewarding,…
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March 25, 2013 0