Category: Bug Out Bag

Do you have a plan when disaster strikes?

On this edition of Preparing For Life’s Storms let’s talk about the pros and cons of bugging out or bugging in. What will be the circumstance that causes you to have to make this decision and what choice will you make or will be made for you? What actions should you take to make sure…
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August 20, 2013 1

Procure systems of redundancy!

We’ve all heard the old adage, “Two is One, and One is None”; so what steps have you taken to procure systems of redundancy in your plan?  Join us on air to lay out your steps to secure your future, and help open someone’s eyes to this necessity.  Whether it’s an extra magazine for an…
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May 13, 2013 0

A few lower cost options for that bug out location!

Wouldn’t we all like to have a few dozen acres of semi wooded, prime hunting land complete with fortified home, onsite water and off grid power?  Well sure we would, that sounds like an ideal bug out location!  The reality is there are very few preppers who could afford this type of property, but still…
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March 23, 2013 0

Nurse Amy interviews Alex Smith, author of “Getting Home”.

On this episode of The Doom and Bloom Hour Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy welcome a special guest, Alex Smith, author of “Getting Home”. Tonight Nurse Amy interviews Alex as he discusses strategies for staying safe and being prepared while out of your house. He will explain everyday carry items, vehicle preps and get home…
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March 3, 2013 0

When forced to leave, are you ready?

No matter how well prepared your home is, no matter how much food you have, no matter how well dug in you may be, there may come a time when the forces of nature or other issues could force you to leave your home at a moment’s notice.  This is known as bugging out, and…
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March 1, 2013 0

Do you have what it takes to survive an evacuation at a moment’s notice?

Do you have what it takes to survive an evacuation at a moment’s notice?  What would you be left with if your home were destroyed by fire or a tornado?   There can be any number of disasters that can force you to leave your home without the time to think.  What if you needed to…
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December 15, 2012 0

“The Mighty ‘Get Home Bag’”. You never know when the unthinkable is going to happen.

Join Paladin Prepper for this week’s ‘Prepper Point’… “The Mighty ‘Get Home Bag’” on “The Paladin Prepper Report”. You never know when the unthinkable is going to happen. There you are, 25 miles from home. You might be at work, visiting a friend, shopping, or whatever. Then ‘IT’ happens. Something happens. Right now, you don’t…
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December 6, 2012 1

Water, Food, First-Aid Kit and toilet paper. What am I missing?

“Bug out Bags” Water, Food, First-Aid Kit and toilet paper. What should you include in your Go Bag, GOOD (get out of dodge) Bag, 72-hour kit, Egress Bag, E&E bag, grab bag, bail-out bag and so on? Considering weight what are the necessary items to carry. Do women need different items than men? Join us…
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November 20, 2012 0

Grab-and-Go Kit must- haves and tips on gathering wild edible and medicinal plants.

Prepping for something unexpected like being stranded in grid-lock a long ways from home requires planning. What would you want in your Grab-and-Go kit for unforeseen emergencies and how would you survive if your food supply ran out? Join Hedy Hammond, Off Grid Prepper’s new co-host, and me as we discuss Grab-and-Go Kit must- haves…
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October 16, 2012 0

Bug out Bags “In Time of Disaster”!

With all the things that Preppers are told they should have and all the things that we do have and are bug out bags, how much of it a necessity and how much of it is just wasted space? In this show “In Time of Disaster” for a while we will discuss the different items…
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September 7, 2012 0

GO Bag, Good Bag or BugOut Bag…Supplies it should contain!

No matter what you call your “Bag” it could be the most important piece of equipment you have. Last nights episode of In Time of Disaster talks about what equipment and supplies it should contain that will allow you to survive for 3 or more days if you find yourself lost or traveling in the…
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March 17, 2012 0

Bugging in or bugging out this show had it.

If a pandemic or other major disaster were to strike, would you attempt to ride it out at home? Have you given thought to all that could occur and are you prepared? In the beginning life might seem somewhat normal with the exception of the news. As people become scared, the store shelves will be…
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March 9, 2012 0