Category: Bug Out Bag

Members Only Bug Out Series: Will You Bug Out?

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June 25, 2021 0

Emergency Bag Basics!

Emergency Bag Basics Jordan “A Family Affair” Audio player provided in this post So here it is. What do you keep in your emergency bag? Are you carrying items that are necessary for you and your family. In our household we have a bag for each individual. Do you? Do the children and the adults…
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September 16, 2018 0

Preparedness Class – Second Amendment – News

Preparedness Class – Second Amendment – News Dane… “The Gunmetal Armory” Audio player provided! Hello Team Gunmetal!! Well I was away last week and the reason I was away last week is because I was preparing to teach the first class I had ever taught on how to build your own bug out bag. Here…
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August 10, 2018 0

Skill Work and Survival Packs

Skill Work and Survival Packs James Walton “I Am Liberty ” Audio player below! After a deep wilderness excursion, I have a lot to reflect on and a lot to consider. There are skills that deserve more of my attention and others that I feel like I have gotten sewn into my being. Trips into…
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May 3, 2018 0

3 Expert Tips on How to Organize a Bug out Bag!

3 Expert Tips on How to Organize a Bug out Bag You have just bought your favorite Bug out Bag (BOB). We have even decided what to have in the BOB. The next thing is organizing it. Your main aim in organizing the bag is to improve accessibility, mobility, and weight. These three simple fundamentals…
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February 21, 2018 0

Build A Better Bug Out Bag!

Build A Better Bug Out Bag Host: Dane… “The Gunmetal Armory” Audio player provided! On this episode of The Gunmetal Armory, we are discussing ‘Building A Better BOB’. When analyzing your BOB, there are multiple things that you must look at. We will discuss them in detail, look at how to optimize what’s in your…
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February 9, 2018 0

51 Items Most Preppers Forget to Add to Their BOBS

51 Items Most Preppers Forget to Add to Their BOBS If you’re relatively new to prepping and starting to gather supplies, you may be feeling somewhat overwhelmed. Don’t worry you are not alone. For the first two years that I was prepping, I felt like I really didn’t know what I was doing either. Other…
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March 19, 2017 8

50 Survival Items to Put in Your Kids Backpacks

50 Survival Items to Put in Your Kids Backpacks If you’re in a survival situation and you’re on foot, your own bug out bag is going to be all you can manage. If you’re a parent or grandparent responsible for children in a survival situation, you can’t possibly carry everything they will need. It’s going…
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January 31, 2017 0

Bug Out Bag Essentials

Bug Out Bag Essentials Bobby Akart “Prepping For Tomorrow” Audio in player below! On this episode of the Prepping for Tomorrow program, Author Bobby Akart will continue his month long discussion of prepper basics. Last week we discussed the Prepper’s Conundrum and the decision whether to bug-in or bug-out—Should I stay or should I go?…
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October 28, 2016 0

Bug Out Bags, Get Home Bags and EDC

Bug Out Bags, Get Home Bags and EDC Forrest & Kyle “The Prepping Academy” On this live broadcast of “The Prepping Academy” join Forrest and Kyle as they discuss: everyday carry items, get home bags, and bug out bags. These are literally the backbone of prepping. The items you carry with you can literally make or…
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September 10, 2016 1

The Bugout!

The Bugout! James Walton “I Am Liberty” This show may turn into a two or three part series on the Bugout! An in depth look at the bug out from start to finish. Its much more than just the bag that should be considered. For starters the most important decision you make will have nothing…
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August 4, 2016 0

10 Lightweight Items for Your Bug Out Bag

10 Lightweight Items for Your Bug Out Bag Every prepper knows that a well-equipped bug out bag can mean the difference between life and death during a natural disaster or SHTF scenario. The tendency is to want to stuff as much equipment as you can into your bug out bag just in case you need…
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July 2, 2016 0

What is your bug out plan?

What is your bug out plan? Highlander “Survival and Tech Preps” What is your bug out plan? I know what mine is! Do you have one? Or are you counting on being able to bug in and rely on your preps? If so I have some bad news for you, you might be in trouble!…
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June 7, 2016 0