Category: groups

Survival Groups: Who’s In Who’s Out

Survival Groups: Who’s In Who’s Out Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below! On this episode of Reality Check we discuss what skills and trades you might want in your group. Every survival group always thinks there are a few people with skills that are shoo-ins. Everyone says they want a blacksmith, a doctor, an…
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April 7, 2018 0

The CONS Part 2 of Country SHTF

The CONS Part 2 of Country SHTF Highlander “Survival & Tech Preps“ Audio in player below! If you listen to the first part of show you heard about the positives of country shtf. Tonight will be all about the negatives. On this episode of Survival and Tech Preps we talk about the amount of people…
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June 6, 2017 0

SHTF in Country Living!

SHTF in Country Living Highlander “Survival & Tech Preps“ Audio in player below! We’ve talked about a shtf scenario while living in a metro area or apartment but what about the country? This show will be all about country living during shtf and as you may know it has multiple advantages but there are also…
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May 30, 2017 0

Groups, Build it and they will come!

Groups, Build it and they will come! Forrest & Kyle “The Prepping Academy” Preppers live a secret life and most want to keep it that way but others would love to meet other preppers and share their prepping knowledge, ideas and experiences. You can see the value in a team of people who share the…
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September 3, 2016 0

Groups Vs. Loan Wolf Survival

Groups Vs. Loan Wolf Survival Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” What’s your prepping style? Do you long for a small, close-knit prepping community where members are committed to supporting each other during tough times and security threats? Or, are you looking to steer clear of other people, and rely on seclusion

August 1, 2016 1