Category: Survival

The Crooked Path to Practical Preparedness!

Lately there has been a lot of talk and questions about Bug Out Locations or retreats.  Should you have one or not?  If  you are looking at getting one where should you start?  What do  you look for?  Join Sissy Bob on The Crooked Path To Practical Preparedness this Tuesday July 10th at 8:00 p.m.…
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July 10, 2012 0

Happy to Survive!

A new magazine has just hit the internet for Preppers and Survivalists alike, “Happy to Survive” and not just another doom and gloom magazine. The founder and contributors to this new magazine have gone all out to provide us all with the “best” in informative and useful information you can find. Topics are endless, articles…
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July 6, 2012 0

Tobias Truman, Life Straws, and The Homestead Honeys!

Join in and listen to this show from Thursday, July 5th, for another episode of The Homestead Honey Show. Katzcradule and a special guests joining her on the air, Tobias Truman…and he’s bringing give-aways! LifeStraws! I’ll be asking two questions during the show, and you’ll have to be the first one to call in with…
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July 6, 2012 0

Do you have a safe place to shelter?

If a disaster were to strike would you have a safe place to shelter? Do you have a plan to protect your family from whatever might come from hurricanes, tornado’s, EMP or any other disaster might come. In this episode of In Time of Disaster we will discuss what a shelter is, what they are…
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June 23, 2012 0

Do you have Barter and Trade items In Time of Disaster?

After the stores are closed where will people get things like shoes, jackets and other things they will need to survive in the aftermath of a major event such as a solar EMP. Once the world as we know it has changed, and we awake to a world where Barter and Trade becomes commonplace, will you have extra…
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June 15, 2012 0

Is there a future for the dollar?

What is the future of the dollar?  Will the greenback continue to be the overall dominant currency, backed by Saudi oil or is it about to collapse?  If so, what happens when the US Dollar collapses beyond what the Federal Reserve spin doctors can hide from the flock?  Listen in to this discussion on the…
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June 4, 2012 0

Preparewise, long term emergency food, and Prepping!

The Homestead Honey Hour this week, Thursday, May 31st with there guest for the first half hour, Chris, from, a company that makes a line of long term, emergency food supply items a lot of informative was learned. The gals on the Homestead Honey Hour were all sent samples of products that were provided…
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May 31, 2012 0

A Preppers path and “The Emotional Toll”

The Other Side of Surviving a Disaster…. The Emotional Toll… Your preps are set, you’ve done your homework, practiced and trained. The fact is surviving a natural disaster has to do with much more than getting through the environmental, physical, and financial aspects of the disaster. The increased vulnerability that most people experience when they…
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May 29, 2012 0

Intelligence means and methods in Time of Disaster!

You have your BOB’s and GHB’s packed, you have your BOL and BOV ready to go with fuel and a year’s supply of food. You have you MNR and sidearms dialed in with bricks of ammo stocked.You have your doomsday vault with non-GMO seeds in your cellar. YOU ARE PREPPED!!! Bring on the NWO, Blue…
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May 18, 2012 0

Handling disabilities, and medication when SHTF!

Mr. Smith of “The Eleventh Hour”  tackled the subject of taking care of the needs for those with handicaps and other medical issues when S.H.T.F.. With only an hour to do it in a lot of ground was covered. Some great information and ideas you may not have thought of were discussed. Everything from stocking…
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April 28, 2012 0

I thought this B.O.L. would be safe?

Wake up, wake up. Did you hear that noise? Someone is out there he said as he got out of bed and started to slip on his pants. I think you are hearing things honey she replied, it’s 3 in the morning and we’re in the boonies out here. I’m telling you I can hear…
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April 21, 2012 0

Ebbs joins Mr. Smith, more on guns and archery!

Put bullet in gun, aim, and fire. Yep, you now know what I know. Actually I know just a bit more having grown up an avid hunter but much of this information, just a little over my head. For many in chat and many preppers as well this was a hot topic. Guns should be…
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April 14, 2012 0

As a Prepper what do you know about knives?

A knife is more than just a weapon. It has many useful and practical applications. It is and could be your only multi-tool. Listen in as Mr. Smith interviews Dan from Blade Reviews on the qualities and many uses of the knife. Learn a bit about maintenance and the caring of what may be your…
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April 7, 2012 0