Category: Survival

Sargent Dale once again as guest to continue the talk about community building and weapons information!

Join Deb on this episode of “Common Sense Prepping” as she has Sargent Dale again as her guest to continue the talk about community building and weapons information.  Many new Preppers ask what exactly they need to have to protect them-selves in an emergency.  As each person is different, call in and get individual counsel…
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December 7, 2012 0

“The Mighty ‘Get Home Bag’”. You never know when the unthinkable is going to happen.

Join Paladin Prepper for this week’s ‘Prepper Point’… “The Mighty ‘Get Home Bag’” on “The Paladin Prepper Report”. You never know when the unthinkable is going to happen. There you are, 25 miles from home. You might be at work, visiting a friend, shopping, or whatever. Then ‘IT’ happens. Something happens. Right now, you don’t…
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December 6, 2012 1

Getting the most value out of your food storage and budget.

The holidays are upon us, old Mother Hubbard went to the cupboard, and the cupboard was……….BARE? Yikes, not only would that be a tragedy during the holidays but a catastrophe during times of disaster. So what are you gonna do? The questions of food storage and value face us daily but never more prominently than…
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December 3, 2012 0

Community building and weapons information.

Join Deb on this episode of “Common Sense Prepping” as she has Sargent Dale again as her guest to talk about community building and weapons information.  Many new Preppers ask what exactly they need to have to protect them-selves in an emergency.  As each person is different, call in and get individual counsel from a…
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November 30, 2012 0

Morning Myan, David Acton, the Myan calender and more!

Doug’s guest on this re-broadcast will be the Youtuber, known as “MorningMayan”  as well as being an accomplished prepper, she has also studied the Mayan culture extensively!  (Including the Mayan calendar).  This should be a very interesting show so again… Don’t miss it.  Prepping with GoatHollow airs every Wednesday at 8:00 pm Central Standard Time.…
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November 28, 2012 0

How much food you can produce with the land you have available?

Join Denob AKA The Prepared Canadian for a look at the International Prepper Community, as we look at topics of interest from preppers just like you.  This week’s show will focus on home food production. How much food you can produce with the land you have available and we’ll take a look at how much…
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November 24, 2012 0

“Foraging For Life” The risks, dangers and the more easily identifiable wild edibles!

This Friday on “Foraging For Life” we are going to discuss some of the safety issues surrounding foraging for wild edibles, and the reality concerning the  risks and dangers involved that are created by not only mother nature, but yes, our own government and chem trails. I’ll be leading the first part of the show…
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November 23, 2012 0

Water, Food, First-Aid Kit and toilet paper. What am I missing?

“Bug out Bags” Water, Food, First-Aid Kit and toilet paper. What should you include in your Go Bag, GOOD (get out of dodge) Bag, 72-hour kit, Egress Bag, E&E bag, grab bag, bail-out bag and so on? Considering weight what are the necessary items to carry. Do women need different items than men? Join us…
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November 20, 2012 0

Do I stay or do I bug out when the SHTF?

Many Preppers ask themselves the question of, Do I stay or do I bug out when the SHTF? As we have just seen with Hurricane Sandy, sometimes there is no choice.  There are some things such as natural disasters and accidents which can come upon us all of a sudden and we are for a…
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November 16, 2012 0

Canadian Preppers have a host for broadcasting prepper related material.

A new prepper podcast has hit the internet and we are going to try it out!  Go to home page and this will be in player 1 today 11/13/2012 at 6:00pm/Central, after airing, the show player will be added to this post for archived listen. It would be a great help to hear from those…
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November 13, 2012 0

H2O2 on A Preppers Path!

Monday night The Other Side of a Preppers Path enjoys a concert of sorts, such as Tiny bubbles (tiny bubbles) , make me happy, make me feel fine….. NO not in the wine but H2O2, another venue a seasonal medley  Oh the weather outside if frightful, but the fire is so delightful brings on a chorus…
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November 12, 2012 0

Foraging For Life!

Introduction to Foraging for Life. This first airing of “Foraging for Life” will cover how to identify what region you live in and what types of foraging is available. Where to find identification materials that are suited to your lifestyle and why that is important. Learning the seasons of different edibles and looking for places…
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November 9, 2012 0

Hurricane Sandy, A Resident Interview!

Were you prepared for Hurricane Sandy?  My guest on this airing on “Prepping With GoatHollow” this Wednesday will be “Ed from Pennsylvania”.  He’ll talk about how he prepared ahead of time, how those preparations helped him cope with the storm, and what lessons he learned.  Prepping isn’t only for the end of the world!  It…
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November 7, 2012 1