Category: The Prepared Canadian

Being prepared, living without systems of support!

“The Prepared Canadian” Living without systems of support! Most of the time we think of prepping as an endless loop of trips to various stores to stock up on supplies. Although this is an important part of being prepared, it really isn’t what we call “the prepper lifestyle”. Being prepared can be boiled down very simply…
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May 18, 2013 0

Feeding your soil for a successful garden!

Feeding your soil is the most important aspect of successful gardening.  Chemical fertilizers are not only an unnatural way of boosting nutrients, but also a very temporary solution, as nutrients are often quickly lost.  Compost, also know and gardeners’ black gold, will not only help add nutrients to your soil, but also help retain them…
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May 4, 2013 0

Power! What you can do to get by during an emergency situation.

This week on The Prepared Canadian, we’ll take a look at power.  No, not the political type, but how t have enough power to get by during an emergency situation.  A simple inverter, a few extension cords, some rechargeable batteries along with some common sense and power saving tips will get you through most of…
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April 26, 2013 0

Is that a train you hear? Well, unless you live beside a railway line, it just may be a tornado!

One might think that preparing for tornadoes in Canada would be pretty low on the priority list.  After all, isn’t tornado alley in the US?  The number of tornadoes in Canada as well as the breadth of the danger zone may surprise you.  On this Episode of The Prepared Canadian I’ll give you a few…
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April 20, 2013 0

Armageddon Preppin and a look at the current situation in North Korea!

This week on The Prepared Canadian I have a product review for something that I feel has been lacking in the prepper community for some time.  It’s a card game called Armageddon Preppin and it will be on sale soon, so be sure to look out for it. Also, I’ll take a look at the…
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April 13, 2013 0

How well do you know the Preppers network?

How well do you know our network?  How did it all get started, who is responsible and why was it created in the first place?  It may surprise you to know that the Canadian Preppers Network is really an offshoot of the popular American Preppers Network.  This week on The Prepared Canadian, I am proud…
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March 30, 2013 0

A few lower cost options for that bug out location!

Wouldn’t we all like to have a few dozen acres of semi wooded, prime hunting land complete with fortified home, onsite water and off grid power?  Well sure we would, that sounds like an ideal bug out location!  The reality is there are very few preppers who could afford this type of property, but still…
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March 23, 2013 0

Prepper groups, no one man is an island!

Prepper Groups on The Prepared Canadian! Prepper groups are an ever growing desire for today’s prepper, and with good reason.  It has often been said that no man is an island, and the same applies to preppers.  No one man could be expected to perform all the duties that will be required of us should…
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March 16, 2013 0

Gardening thoughts turning to seeds.

With gardening season right around the corner, many of our thoughts turn to seeds.  Within a few short weeks, many of us will be starting our plants indoors and a lot of questions about seed types come to mind.  What’s the difference between heirloom and open pollinated?  What’s wrong with planting hybrid seeds?  Do I…
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March 9, 2013 0

When forced to leave, are you ready?

No matter how well prepared your home is, no matter how much food you have, no matter how well dug in you may be, there may come a time when the forces of nature or other issues could force you to leave your home at a moment’s notice.  This is known as bugging out, and…
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March 1, 2013 0

Castle laws in order to be able to use force to defend ourselves and our properties.

Many Canadians feel that we need Castle laws in order to be able to use force to defend ourselves and our properties.  Many also don’t know about the new laws that came into effect last summer.  This week on The Prepared Canadian we’ll take a look at the laws now in place that relate to…
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February 23, 2013 0

Prepping for newbies & challenges faced by apartment Preppers!

On this airing of  The Prepared Canadian we will be continuing our discussion of prepping for beginners.  As promised, we will take a particular look at overcoming some of the challenges faced by apartment preppers such as space restrictions and alternative cooking & heating options. Also, I will be announcing a province wide meet up…
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February 16, 2013 0

The Prepared Canadian, prepping 101, or where to begin.

This is the first in a 2 part series on “The Prepared Canadian“, where I’ll discuss the most basic needs and some of the solutions to getting through a disaster.  We’ll talk about knowing what to prepare for, keeping your home ready to deal with the first few days of a disaster, and what the…
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February 2, 2013 0