Category: The Other Side…A Preppers Path

Are you prepared? Not just for the basics but…

Are you prepared? Not just for the basics of food storage, water, shelter, cooking and what have you but a truly catastrophic event.  The loss of someone, a significant other, OR you get sick and are out of commission, who takes up the slack?  What is the slack, can your life go on if you…
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March 3, 2013 0

Herbalist Susun Weed returns to The Other Side of a Preppers Path!

As we prepare we often think of the scenario where the end of the world as we know it is the norm, meaning that all we take for granted now is no more. But preparing for life isn’t just about the future catastrophe it’s about right now, today right this minute.  Finances are an issue…
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February 24, 2013 0

GMO’s the wolf in sheep’s clothing deluge our cupboards and lives.

Have we been unknowing guinea pigs for the past 18 or so years while our Government touts GMO’s as the answer? Are we in fact feeding ourselves Franken food? Despite promises of increased yields, drought resistance, cheaper food and enhanced nutrition none have yet to be met by the current glut of GMO products to…
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February 17, 2013 2

Incognito or camouflaged garden, sometimes known as the food forest garden!

A flourishing, pest & predator resistant garden blooms incognito right before prying eyes! Join Lynna on “The Other Side…A Preppers Path” as Rick Austin, The Survivalist Gardener, shares secrets of an incognito or camouflaged garden, sometimes known as the food forest garden. Tune in to learn the secrets of an abundant garden you plant once…
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February 10, 2013 0

Goshen, reveals how to establish healthy, sustainable community, despite global disease and famine.

What would you be willing to do to prove a point?  Would you be willing to take off your shoes, and go barefoot for as long as it takes to achieve your goal? Dana Richardson and Sarah Zentz, probably best known for their work as a production team on the Back to Eden movie with…
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February 7, 2013 0

Want to know about homesteading and the pioneer way of life?

So you want to know about homesteading and the pioneer way of life. Who better to ask than someone who has walked the talk? Sunday brings veteran prepper, survivalist, John Milandred to the Other Side of a Preppers Path.  John & Lynna will be talking about the basics of food storage, water, supplies, and the…
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February 3, 2013 0

The virtues of raising honey bees!

The Top Bar coming your way 1/27/13.  It’s a (BYOB) Bring your own bottle affair because we are talking about that sweet elixir HONEY! That’s right Christy Hemenway of Gold Star Honey Bees joins the Other Side of A Preppers Path once again to talk about the virtues of raising honey bees and answer your questions.…
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January 27, 2013 0

Learn how to prepare for the future with skills of the past with Ozark Mountains Preparedness!

A very special Sunday heads your way on Jan 20th 2013 as The Other Side of a Preppers Path spans the country from the Selkirk & Cabinet Mountains of Idaho to the Ozark Mountains of Arkansas.  Learn first-hand how to prepare for the future with skills of the past with Jerry Ward of Ozark Mountains Preparedness. Jerry…
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January 20, 2013 0

The importance of skills over gadgets and what’s on everyone’s minds right now $$.

Preppers aren’t all Doomsday Preppers and it’s actually a much more practical option than most realize. Main keys are to NOT become overwhelmed by the media’s frenzied attempts to make prepping appear something it isn’t, and that it’s ok to start now, don’t worry that someone else has been at it for years. Charley and Courtney of  Ready Go…
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January 13, 2013 0

Susun Weed renowned herbalist, teacher, joins A Preppers Path to share knowledge!

The wait is over! The Wise Woman returns to The Other Side of a Preppers Path with the 2nd installment of The Herbal Medicine Chest!  Susun Weed renowned herbalist, teacher, author and wise woman will grace the first show of 2013  with the awaited 2nd herb in the chest. In August 2012 Susun absolutely captivated us with…
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January 6, 2013 0

A time honored skill used by untold numbers of people in the pursuit of water, minerals, and more.

Dowsing? Personally, I have not much faith in dowsing although I have known several people including a few of my own relatives who will swear by this method of finding many things besides just water. My first thought is always, if you are an expert at dowsing why have you not dowsed for gold, silver,…
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December 30, 2012 0

Prepper Pride shines through in Triumph! Everyday people on to something big, really big, Monumental Even!

It’s a Miracle!  It’s a Miracle! Quietly and without fanfare last Friday slipped away and the world rocked on.  Not such a miracle really but a testament to the lives we live and the incredible planet we inhabit.  While the following things are true; #1 the end of the year is drawing near; #2 we…
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December 26, 2012 0

Doomsday prediction falls short Preppers stay the course!

It’s a Miracle!  It’s a Miracle!  Tis true the end of the year is drawing nigh, we totally dodged the bullet on Friday the 21st, and my prediction was upheld we are all still here. But what does that mean for the prepper world?  Do we stop, throw our hands up and sigh..geez not another…
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December 24, 2012 0