Category: The Other Side…A Preppers Path

Real facts in achieving your “Homestead Lifestyle”

This Sunday on A Preppers Path… Are you one of the millions of pay check to pay check people who know the value of being prepared but can’t see how to get there. We often hear about the prepper who left their several figure job, sold the big house, and set up their dream homestead/bug…
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June 8, 2013 2

The Carrington Event on A Preppers Path!

Imagine this very moment, the power goes out. Cell phones disconnect. Radio is static, internet dead. All you have to guide you is your direct observations and people you meet on the streets. No outside news, only rumors, then hysteria. Now imagine weeks pass as essentials—food, gas, medicine—runs out everywhere. You can’t even draw water…
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June 2, 2013 0

Veteran Dooms Day Prepper shares his real life experiences on American Preppers Radio!

“What am I willing to do for myself, my family and others? Will I risk everything to help someone else? The 2 questions preppers often procrastinate about answering at least honestly. What’s it really like to live in a grid down situation? We read books watch movies but do we practice. Day to day life…
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May 26, 2013 0

Google prepare, preparation or prepper and what do you get?

Have you noticed? While the term prepper might be getting a bit of a slap have you noticed what’s going on?  Take a look at Facebook and the posts appearing on so many walls, type “prepare, preparation or prepper” in your browser, how many hits are you getting.  YES it’s happening; the small grassroots ripple to…
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May 6, 2013 0

Are you kidding me? Really, you can do that with that?

Are you kidding me? Really, you can do that with that? Yep true story! This Sunday on the Other Side of a Preppers Path we’ve got the answers from how to store cleaning supplies, to uses for garlic, coffee, vinegar and more. We are even gonna talk about how to squeeze more out of what you’ve got, along with…
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April 28, 2013 0

Bombings, manhunts, shoot-outs, devastating explosion and even ricin attacks. What a week!

“The Prepper’s Poitin Hour”, What a week! Bombings, manhunts, and shoot-outs in  the Boston area in one of the the most leftist and liberty infringed states of the union. Devastating explosion near the site of the 1993 Branch Davidian massacre by federal agents. Ricin attacks upon the president and congress. Reports of bombs, threats, and…
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April 22, 2013 0

Irrational rants and the NRA!

What a convenient show title “The Last Word”… I just have to say, HARDLY, and where does this man arrive at his last word.  Recently Lawrence O’Donnell of the show hosted by NBC spouts off in an irrational rant about the NRA. In an attempt to insight knee jerk emotional reaction to achieve his ends,…
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April 21, 2013 0

Legislators should consider the thoughts and belief of those who are living and working in the trenches of violence.

Author: Lynna Host of  The Other Side…A Preppers Path Knee-jerk reaction to tragedy occurs as regular as clockwork, upon this we can depend. Now after terrorizing rhetoric and posturing a new tack appears regarding the heated topic of gun control.  Today mainstream news agencies tout the clout of some victims’ families and their emotional plea…
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April 13, 2013 0

P.R.E.P.S. Teaching and consulting on real situational survival.

As a Nation, the new young leader of North Korea bombards us daily with hostile threats of nuclear devastation.  Our news media until recently encourages us to shrug off the threats, that they can’t match their ability with their rhetoric. What is the actual threat capability are there surprises that should jump start prepping again…
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April 7, 2013 2

Easter Basket of Prepper goodies.

Easter Sunday a day of reflection, renewal and remembrance. Join the Other Side of a Preppers Path as we peek into our own Easter Basket of goodies.  Speaking of goodies tune in to learn about natural dental care, a gardeners first aid kit, a simple salad garden with a little zero waste gardening, household uses for…
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March 31, 2013 2

Living the mercy of the wildfire!

According to the calendar spring has sprung but looking outside it’s still pretty dreary with last year’s bounty of grasses and bushes and overgrowth lying about in dingy disarray.  Uggghhhh not only does it look unsightly but it is a danger.  True it should have been dealt with last fall, cut, mowed or just hauled away…
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March 24, 2013 0

The basics of water and just how important it is.

It’s raining it’s pouring the ole man is snoring! Don’t snooze away the next editions of the Other Side of a Preppers Path as Lynna drives into the world of water. Water water everywhere, is there a drop to drink? Preppers and non-preppers have this element very much in common, WATER.  It’s a fact without…
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March 17, 2013 0

What you need to prepare before anything happens to you or a loved one.

It’s a dry subject and not what we like to talk about! Life and its stuff, we are talking about what you need to prepare before anything happens to you or a loved one. That’s right what should you have at your fingertips in the event  you or your significant becomes incapacitated or even die …
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March 10, 2013 0