Category: The Other Side…A Preppers Path

Life Changes! Be Ready!

Life changes! We all know the only thing that is constant is change. Are you ready for the changes that could come your way? Flood, fire, drought, hurricane, tornado, extreme cold, terrorist event, economic issues and more occur constantly, a fact proven over and over. Now is the time to prepare for the unexpected events…
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September 19, 2013 0

Americans and National Preparedness Month!

Ten years ago the month of September became nationally known for something more than the harbinger of autumn when National Preparedness Month was launched. The effort to enlighten and educate citizens to the vital role each play in surviving disaster birthed National Preparedness Month. Events are being held all over the country during the month as well…
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September 8, 2013 0

Energy, This Prepper is Not Gonna Leave the Light On!

Sipping hot cocoa while contemplating the day ahead a chill pervaded the room. Glancing at the outdoor thermometer revealed the reason, 42 degrees and only September 5th. The realization that I better get the stove pipe repaired now, hit me. Autumn is on the way and in the natural course of things winter follows and…
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September 6, 2013 2

Integrity creating an Indelible Homestead!

Homesteading in essence is built on self-reliance creating and building our stead into a home.  There are many who classify themselves as Homesteaders, Preppers,  Survivalist and even Thrivalist (which I like to call myself) but today let’s not  get hung up on debating the definition that each perceives as true for the title, after all…
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September 2, 2013 0

Built to Last “My Homestead” where I am!

The elderberries are ripe and the first signs of changing seasons are appearing, soon fall will be on the wind. Join Lynna on The Other Side… A Preppers Path as she brings in the first day of September with a smile and a look at Built to Last My Homestead. Often when thinking of a…
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September 1, 2013 0

Throwing in the towel … It’s not an Option

Peace and Power, two terms not always associated together yet intrinsically one in life when paired with the 3rd P. That 3′rd P, Prepared and when life is lived in a prepared way Peace and Power are achieved and we Thrive.  Today on the Other Side of A Preppers Path our journey on the highway…
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August 18, 2013 0

Wild Fires and Hurricanes!

Seasonal trials and tribulations visit The Other Side of a Preppers Path as Janet of FedHealth joins Lynna to shed some light on the current seasons of Wild Fire and Hurricane.  You can avert or divert some disasters, find out how. Janet and Lynna always have a rousing conversation packed full of information for anyone…
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August 11, 2013 0

Incredible possibilities and options a windmill can create!

Tilting at windmills or the act of committing something useless. This Sunday The Other Side of A Preppers Path isn’t tilting at windmills but rather nodding in agreement with them. Join Lynna as she explores the world of the windmill, it’s history, uses and what it can mean for those wanting to have as self…
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August 4, 2013 0

Life Experience from the Salt of the Earth!

 The Return of Salt of the Earth  The salt of the earth returns to The Other Side of a Preppers Path. Join us Sunday as we talk once again with Lynna’s father Clint about THEN and NOW. What lessons can we learn from THEN and what can we incorporate from NOW to lead prepared lives…
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July 28, 2013 0

In the Aftermath of a Disaster!

As individuals who make preparing a way of life through not only our mindset but physical actions the aftermath is in fact what we prepare for.  No matter the event, planned, natural or man-made it’s what comes, after, that we prepare for.  On this episode of The Other Side…A Preppers Path we have an open…
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July 21, 2013 0

Being Prepared and how to get there!

Join us with The Reality Survivalist JJ Johnson on The Other Side… A Preppers Path for a pre kick off on preparedness!  National Preparedness Month is coming soon!  Join Lynna and JJ Johnson of for a kick off show all about preparedness what is it, how to get there and much more. Being prepared…
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July 14, 2013 1

Self-Reliance in the concrete jungle!

Living in the urban locale and the realities of being prepared are Sunday’s hot topics. How can we get there? Urban localities have their own challenges with limited land, storage space, people everywhere and plain old time. How do we prepare for calamity large or small, man-made or by Mother Nature. Living in the city does…
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June 22, 2013 0

A Fathers Day Warrior! on A Preppers Path!

You’ve heard the term “A walking Encyclopedia,” true in today’s world it conjures up a different vision than prior to the digital media explosion, but there are still some left out there with the truth and facts and they eat, breath, laugh and share. Are you taking advantage of this huge Prepper Resource? Sunday, Father’s…
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June 16, 2013 0