Category: The Other Side…A Preppers Path

Prepper Books and Author Ron Foster

Prepper Books and Author Ron Foster on Best of Prepper Broadcasting! Host: Lynna “Other Side… A Preppers Path” Prepper books author Ron Foster;  survivalist, instructor and mentor for many joins Lynna as her special guest to discuss real life events and how they are mirrored in his trilogy. Learn the realities of prepping and surviving through Fiction. Ron’s Prepper…
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December 17, 2013 0

Stocking Up – A basic of Preparedness

Stocking Up – A basic of Preparedness Host: Lynna “The Other Side… A Preppers Path” Stocking up. Stocking up! Or Stocking Up? Punctuation changes intent for sure, are we making a statement we are doing something stocking up, or exclaiming we’ve got our stocking up! Or asking if we are stocking up? It’s a broad…
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December 15, 2013 0

Holiday Zombies

Holiday Zombies Author: Lynna “Other Side A Preppers Path“ Zombies, persons who are or appear to be lifeless, apathetic, or totally lacking in independent judgment; automaton!  I don’t know about lifeless or apathetic but the lack of independent judgment and automaton hits the nail on the head. Holiday Zombies have risen AGAIN! Have you seen…
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December 1, 2013 1

Re-Inventing the Wheel? – The Have More Plan

Re-Inventing the Wheel? – The Have More Plan Host: Lynna “A Preppers Path” Re-Inventing the Wheel? – A review of The Have More Plan No need to re-invent the wheel, since time began man has endeavored to advance and prepare for life. Preppers, homesteaders, survivalists or whatever label you choose all have much in common.…
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November 30, 2013 0

At My Fathers Knee, Holidays Then and Now

At My Fathers Knee – Holidays Then and Now Host: Lynna “The Other side… A Preppers Path” The frost is on the pumpkins, within the week Americans across the country pause to give thanks and in many homes share a family dinner. As the old song says ‘Across the river and through the woods to…
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November 24, 2013 0

Winterization Part 2

Winterization Part 2 Host: Lynna “The Other Side A Preppers Path” No matter where you reside North, South, East or West as the world turns so does our local climate and being prepared for these changes large or small saves time and money. Locally the first real snow of the season blanketed the landscape revealing…
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November 10, 2013 0

Preppers Winterize!

Preppers Winterize! Host: Lynna “A Preppers Path” To coin an old soap opera as the world turns so do the days of our lives. Winterization, a dirty word too many particularly at this time of year rears its head as a new page on the calendar ushers in change. The colorful calendar hanging on the…
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November 3, 2013 0

“The Great Pumpkin” Benefits & Uses!

“The Great Pumpkin” Benefits  & Uses Host: Lynna… A Preppers Path There’s a nip in the air, leaves are falling and the Great Pumpkin soon begins its reign. Halloween looms just around the corner unceremoniously the kick off to the fall/winter holiday season. A staple of the season the pumpkin begins its seasonal reign from…
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October 26, 2013 0


TEOTWAWKI~ A New World! Host: Lynna “…A Preppers Path” TEOTWAWKI is a term often bandied about and usually has a pretty scary meaning. BUT what if you could change your life today, your world, creating a solution based TEOTWAWKI, the way we want it. Imagine your world the way you want it, now, a life…
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October 20, 2013 0

Is Ethical Behavior Extinct?

Is Ethical Behavior Extinct? Author: Lynna A Preppers Path Rushing to take advantage? Or rushing to steal under the guise of ignorance? Seriously folks, does anyone really believe that those who rushed into several Walmart’s in Louisiana stripping the shelves clear of groceries believed they were not doing anything wrong.  That they were not knowingly taking…
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October 15, 2013 4

Financial Preparedness! “The Sky is Falling”

Blood on the Moon, a sign/omen that danger is coming. Through the eyes of many, an apt description of the times we live in. A glance at any news site is sure to enforce this belief with predictions of financial crisis, continued economic failure, natural disasters in all corners of the world, civil wars, holy…
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October 13, 2013 0

Health Care Solutions / Herbal Medicine!

Health Care Solutions / Herbal Medicine!  Host: A Preppers Path Health care is on the minds of many particularly this week with the Obamacare Health Exchanges going on line Tuesday morning. A controversial plan at best, our Nation has embarked on a new course for health care and the people. Notice I didn’t say its people,…
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October 6, 2013 0

Mutual Assistance Groups

Assistance Groups: You scratch my back I’ll scratch yours! Mutual Assistance Groups aka MAG’s are the epitome of this old saying with a lot more to boot. What are Mutual Assistance Groups, Mutual Assistance Associations or a host of other names? What can a MAG do for you or not. The term when searched on line…
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September 29, 2013 0