Category: The Armchair Survivalist

American Preppers Radio Special!

Could it be? The Homestead Honeys, Goat Hollow, Aj Prepper, Bexar Prepper, RedHorse_Ronin, Prepper Folks, The HillBilly Prepper Gals and all the other hosts from this network getting together for a single show? It’s looking that way. Visit us all in the player below and listen in to Tuesday’s show for what was a very…
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June 27, 2012 0

Food and Water preps with guest The Armchair Survivalist!

Food, Water & supplies – What type and amount do you have and how to you plan to add to the supplies? Do you have enough food? Or do you have the ability to grow food, hunt and fish?  Karen and Chris along with a special guest Kurt Wilson “The Armchair Survivalist will discuss everything…
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April 27, 2012 0

You may know him as The Armchair Survivalist!

He can help you stay safe, well fed and healthy. Kurt will help you handle nearly anything that does, or could, lower your ability to survive. If he doesn’t know the answer to your question, he can tell you where to go to get it. Listen to internet radio with American Preppers Radio on Blog…
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March 13, 2012 0