Category: Tech Preps

Technical Preps for the homestead!

Technical Preps for the homestead! Dirty Lew & Highlander “Tech Preps” This week’s show, Highlander and I will be going over different Technical Preps for your homestead.  We will be discussing different topics on how to power your homestead (Solar, Backup Generators and/or Wind), how to keep your homestead secure (Security Systems, CCTV and/or Weaponry),…
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June 6, 2015 0

Cyber Attacks: Are we safe?

Cyber Attacks: Are we safe? Part I – Under Attack Dirty Lew & Highlander “Tech Preps” In this episode of “Tech Preps,” we will be discussing Part One of a Two Part series on “Cyber Attacks.” What’s a Cyber Attack? A cyber attack is breach of network security due to a hacking, cracking or phishing…
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May 23, 2015 0

Technology dependent, then & now!

Technology dependent, then & now! Host: Crazy Lew & Highlander “Tech Preps” In this show we will be discussing technology from the early 1900s vs modern day technology and if this technology has made our lives easier, better, or just plain lazier. Thru out history we have always had technology advancements, but in the past 100…
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May 16, 2015 0

Emergency Scenarios & Handy Tech Preps!

Emergency Scenarios where Tech Preps Come in Handy Hosts: DirtyLew and Highlander “Tech Preps” In this episode of “Tech Preps,” Highlander and I will be discussing different emergency or crisis situation and how technical preps aided or could have aided in those scenarios. We will also be giving example scenarios and how technical preps could…
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May 9, 2015 0

Applications for Preppers!

Applications for Preppers! Host: John “Tech Preps” Applications to help guide you around during crisis scenarios or when the “SHTF.” In this show, Highlander and I will be discussing different (PC, iOS and Android) applications to use during a crisis scenario, on-the-go or when the SH** hits the Fan! Whether is a navigation application, a…
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April 25, 2015 0

Maintaining a minimal online footprint!

Maintaining a minimal online footprint! Host: John 9DirtyLew) “TechPrep” This show is about “maintaining a minimal online footprint or staying OPSEC,” while communicating or browsing the Internet. These tips will allow you maintain a minimal viewing on the internet but still allow you to roam freely without much worry. We will be discussing different software…
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April 18, 2015 0

Tech Preps… Digital Archiving and Communication!

Tech Preps, Digital Archiving and Communication – Staying Prepared Technically. Host: John Smith “Tech Prep” With over 45 different shows it looks as if Prepper Broadcasting has finally filled a void that many preppers/survivalist have been wanting to hear. Tonight Prepper Broadcasting brings you the premier of “Tech Preps” hosted by John Smith. Each week…
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April 8, 2015 0