Category: Tech Preps

Survival Diet!

Survival Diet! What Diet is best for Survival? Highlander “Survival & Tech Preps” Listen in player below! As a prepper we always want to prepare with food, supplies, and weapons, bug out plans, and even bug out vehicles. But have you ever considered your health? I see it so much in the prepper community that no…
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October 11, 2016 0

Conspiracy Theory 101

Conspiracy Theory 101 Highlander “Survival and Tech Preps” This show in player below! There’s worry among the prepper community about government or others and tracking. Would you like to know the facts about conspiracy theories when it comes to tracking? You may be surprised at the capabilities to track individuals and if you think they do not exist you…
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September 27, 2016 0

Situational Awareness!

Situational Awareness Are you Aware? Highlander “Survival & Tech Preps” Have you ever been out in public and noticed people walking down the street and see them with their noses in their phones and completely unaware of what is going on around them? I know I have, and I often wondered what these people would…
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September 20, 2016 2

Best Free Preps!

Best Free Preps! Highlander “Survival and Tech Preps” This is all about those free preps you might not have known you can get for… well free! What about all those different items that you can reuse for prepping? Not only the reuse but also what we can do to make a little extra money for our prepping…
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September 13, 2016 0

Let’s Cook with the Sun!

Let’s Cook with the Sun! Highlander “Survival and Tech Preps” This show I will be discussing solar ovens and the uses. How can you build one yourself? And a few pre-made ones you can buy. What are the advantages and drawbacks to such a device? The need for food is unquestionable. When we do not have…
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August 30, 2016 0

Electronic Security in shtf.

Electronic Security in shtf. Highlander “Survival and Tech Preps” On this episode we will get back to the technical aspects of prepping. Everything security in shtf or present day is discussed. I myself have security cameras at my home, monitoring 24/7 and recording. The need to have eyes and ears around you at all times…
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August 23, 2016 0

Reflections in Prepping

Reflections in Prepping Highlander “Survival & Tech Preps” Tonight’s episode has no general topic other than a reflection on my past prepping and prepping as whole in the future. I will just generalize what all I have experienced, what I have learned, and what I have planned for the future.

August 16, 2016 0

Illumination, High Tech & Low Tech

Illumination, High Tech & Low Tech Highlander “Survival & Tech Preps” Have you thought about Illumination for preps, whether it be flash lights, gas lanterns, solar lights, and even chemical lights? The need for illumination in shtf go’s without saying, we have to have it. It seems as though the market has made leaps and bounds…
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August 2, 2016 0

Ethical Hunting during shtf

Ethical Hunting during shtf Highlander “Survival & Tech Preps” The subject of food storage is a big thing with preppers and those that want to start prepping. But we often forget to look at the need for a backup plan to get our number one resource and that is sustenance. Hunting is one of the…
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July 26, 2016 0

Extroverts or Introverts in Prepping!

Extroverts or Introverts in Prepping! Highlander “Survival and Tech Preps” I bet most of you have never even heard these terms before right? Well basically an extrovert is a very outgoing, and friendly type of person whereas an introvert is not. Introversion is a personality trait characterized by a focus on internal feelings rather than on…
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July 19, 2016 0

Who Is Forrest Garvin?

Who Is Forrest Garvin? Highlander “Survival and Tech Preps” On this episode of Survival & Tech Preps we are going to meet Forrest Garvin. When you meet Forrest you wonder if this man ever sleeps and what keeps him going. Not only does Forrest have his grip on many different projects as you will see reading on…
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July 12, 2016 1

Gadgets The Prepper Might Forget!

Gadgets The Prepper Might Forget! Highlander “Survival & Tech Preps” When we prep we think we have everything we need, well.. maybe not. In this episode we will be all about prepper oriented gadgets. Maybe you have forgotten a few? Here’s a chance to add them to your list, or maybe you are prepared! We shall see what all…
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June 28, 2016 0

Brandon Burroughs from Infidel Anvilworks!

Brandon Burroughs from Infidel Anvilworks Highlander “Survival & Tech Preps” On this show we have a special guest, Brandon Burroughs from Infidel Anvilworks. Brandon has been a guest on 7P’s of Survival show and recently he came into some forging materials and wanted to start his own forge. Tonight he will be talking about his passion and…
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June 21, 2016 0