Category: Prepper Poitin Hour

Article One, and continuing with Article Two.

“The Prepper’s Poitin Hour”, join your host Chris as he continues the discussion on the Constitution in the recurring series on our foundation documents.  Picking up where he left off in Article One, he will continue in Article Two.  Article Two enumerate the executive powers of the federal government and this is especially relevant today. …
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February 18, 2013 0

Jeffrey Phelps, contends that “martial law” was imposed upon the residents of the northeast.

“The Prepper’s Poitin Hour”, join your host Chris as he talks about the blizzard in the northeast.  He will be discussing an Examiner article written by Jeffrey Phelps that contends that “martial law” was imposed upon the residents of the northeast.  I am trying to get him on the show but can make no promises. …
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February 11, 2013 0

Critical Defense Shooting with Amelia Foxwell and friends.

“The Prepper’s Poitin Hour”, join your host Chris as he talks about Critical Defense Shooting with Amelia Foxwell and friends.  Amelia, as many recall was on the show in July with a ratings busting inside look at the American militia movement.  Join her and Darren Wilburn and company as they discuss their collaborative efforts to…
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January 28, 2013 1

An examination of the Constitution, specifically Article One!

“The Prepper’s Poitin Hour”, join your host Chris as we continue our discussion and examination of the Constitution, specifically Article One, in our recurring series of in-depth looks at our Foundation Documents.  Article One is what sets up our Congress and is arguably the most important part of our Constitution because it sets up the…
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January 21, 2013 0

Solutions that allow YOU to act locally to outreach and help others!

We always talk about the problems we have in our lives, with others, in our government.  We can all diagnose them well enough and then despair when the problems are larger than our abilities to fix, or are they? This Monday night we are SOLUTIONS oriented. No whining, no gloom and doom, just positive solutions…
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January 14, 2013 0

The increasingly defunct Constitution of the United States.

“The Prepper’s Poitin Hour”, join your host Chris as we begin the first of a recurring series of discussions on the increasingly defunct Constitution of the United States.  We will begin this series with a look at the structure of the first three articles.  We will look at how they relate historically and to current events.…
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January 7, 2013 0

We have renewed assaults on our guns, liberties, wealth, and our persons. Is 2013 the Year of the Tyrant?

It’s New Year’s Eve and “The Preppers Poitin Hour” with your host Chris is not gonna venture out into the streets tonight.  Bring a drink and let us sit back and look at what the New Year may bring.  We have renewed assaults on our guns, liberties, wealth, and our persons. Is 2013 the Year…
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December 31, 2012 1

God bless the victims of Newtown, CT.

This Monday, on The Preppers Poitin Hour, Chris will sadly delve into the minds of the sick and the twisted.  We will talk about the correlation of modern society’s trappings, the younger generations, and the explosive and destructive violence.  We will also give a moment’s thoughts to how the cynical and agenda driven will profit…
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December 16, 2012 1

The Big Brother camera systems!

Join Chris on “The Preppers Poitin Hour” as he takes on the growing incidents of police illegality and overreach and looks at the abuse of the Big Brother camera systems by our ever encroaching and abusive government, Forget farfetched tinfoil hat conspiracies. The real threat is before us. It is HERE and it is NOW.…
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December 10, 2012 0

The seemingly growing secession movement in the United States!

Join Chris on “The Preppers Poitin Hour” as he looks at the seemingly growing secession movement in the United States, especially pot election.  Secession is a drastic course of action and not to be undertaken lightly.  People bandy the idea about cavalierly but how many have looked at what it would entail, even if it…
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December 3, 2012 2

Tyranny in the Amerikan Police State on “The Preppers Poitin Hour”

Join your host Chris on “The Preppers Poitin Hour” as he talks about police tyranny in the Amerikan Police State and then will start looking at the economy and what it may mean for you. Why is this nation allowing the government to gun us down without recourse or due process?  Are we going to…
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November 26, 2012 0

Police tyranny in the Amerikan Police State and the economy!

Join your host Chris on “The Preppers Poitin Hour” as he talks about police tyranny in the Amerikan Police State and then will start looking at the economy and what it may mean for you. Why is this nation allowing the government to gun us down without recourse or due process?  Are we going to…
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November 19, 2012 0

The Preppers Poitin Hour and Veterans’ Day!

Join Chris on The Preppers Poitin Hour as we observe Veterans’ Day!  Meet Toni VonderHaar, the daughter of one of the first black men to be commissioned in the US Army where he served under Patton in Italy in WWII and later served in Korea.  He was part of the Buffalo Soldiers Museum exhibits in…
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November 12, 2012 0