Category: Preparing to Provide

Raising Your Own Chickens (part 2)

Raising Your Own Chickens (part 2) Host: Bobby Preparing to Provide! During the last show of “Preparing to Provide“, we had a great discussion with Paul Wheaton and several callers. A lot was discussed, with quite a bit of focus on long term objectives. Things like rotating paddocks and free ranging would seem to be the…
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April 22, 2014 0

The Seeds We Sow Every Day!

The Seeds We Sow Every Day “Best of Prepper Broadcasting“ Host: Bobby MHPGardener As important as seeds are for growing food, there are some seeds that I feel are much more important. I’d like to talk about the seeds we sow each day by our actions. In everything that we say and do, we plant…
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January 14, 2014 0

Prepping, where, when, why, and how, questions & answers!

Q&A night. We all have questions so what better way to get your questions answered then to have a Q & A night. So if you have a prepping question or two that haven’t been answered or you just want a second or third opinion join BexarPrepper on Preparing for Life’s Storms Tuesday July 30th…
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July 30, 2013 0

Gardening without Soil – Understanding Hydroponics

Gardening without Soil – Understanding Hydroponics For most people, gardening involves spending some time working the soil, adding compost or fertilizer, and planting seeds. But there are many people who don’t have the land, space, time, or physical ability to do conventional gardening. So how can they still get involved in growing their own food?…
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June 25, 2013 0

Gardening and Drought on “Preparing to Provide”

Gardening in a Drought on Preparing to provide! … With the crazy spring weather, a lot of gardens are late this year, putting them right in the middle of summer when it’s often hot and dry. Dealing with drought can be a real challenge. But it doesn’t have to be. There are many ways to…
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June 11, 2013 1

Gardening and gardening while struggling with unusual weather.

It’s gardening season, but the weather is still not cooperating. It’s just one of those years when nothing comes easy. For this week on Preparing to Provide, we’ll continue the wide open format and leave it up to the listeners to decide the topics of conversation with their phone calls. I have plenty to talk…
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May 14, 2013 1

Mater and Tater on self sustainability!

You asked for it so here it is! Join Mater and Tater tonight 9:00pm/Eastern 8:00pm/Central 6:00pm/Pacific for a fun and informative hour as they combine their extensive knowledge on all things relevant to a self sustaining lifestyle in this final hour of the month. Who is Mater and Tater? Rest assured you know them and…
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April 30, 2013 0

Gardening, Questions & Answers with MHPgardener

For this week’s show on Preparing to Provide, I am going to have somewhat of an open format. Unlike shows in the past where I have had guests or a designated topic, I am going to cover a broad range of questions that I receive in response to my YouTube videos. They may be related to gardening, hydroponics, or life…
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April 23, 2013 6

Garden Fertilizers – Feeding Your Plants

Before you plant a seed or seedling, you need to apply some fertilizer to the soil or container. What kind and how much depends on what you’re growing, and your particular style of growing. So it’s important to have a good understanding of the nutrient needs of the specific plants. Whether you’re organic, or just…
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April 9, 2013 10

Self Sufficient Ideas: An Aquaponics Discussion with Rob from Web4Deb

My guest on the last show was Rob Torcellini, one of my YouTube friends. If you don’t know him, this is his YouTube channel… we spent quite a bit of time talking about his Geodesic Dome greenhouse, and greenhouses in general. Depending on where you are located, a greenhouse could be used to grow vegetables…
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March 26, 2013 0

Greenhouse gardening, this is what I’m talking about!

Times are tough, and getting tougher by the day. The proverbial handwriting is on the wall. In order to survive in an uncertain future, we need to be finding more ways to grow our own food. For many of us, that means a garden. But what happens if a storm wipes out your garden? What happens…
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March 12, 2013 1

Gardening Questions and Answers – Open Discussion

For the past several weeks on “Preparing To Provide” we’ve spent a lot of time on raising chickens and homesteading. Well, the weather is beginning to warm up, people are starting seeds, and the folks down South are already planting. So it’s time to focus on my primary topic, gardening and growing your own food.…
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February 15, 2013 1

First-hand accounts about the life of a true homesteader!

There is a lot of interest in being self-sufficient these days. People are looking for information on how to grow and store their own food, provide their own meats, go off-grid with solar setups… get out of the system so to speak. We see a lot of these things in videos and on TV, and…
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February 1, 2013 0