Category: Shows

Prepping With GoatHollow does the Surreal News!

Because of the special interview our host provided us with on his Sunday show “The Surreal News” with guest from Spike Tv we will get a dose of some surreal news on this episode of The Surreal News. If you have never caught a Sunday show you will definitely not want to miss show in…
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June 20, 2012 0

Prepper Folks, Planning Prepping

The Prepper Folks Hour with Host Christine and her special Guest Kimberly had their Printin’ & Preppin’ Party. Advising to bring your binder and paper for notes. Some very good tips, especially for beginner preppers including the task of gathering important information for your home organization, “The Prepper Folks Emergency Handbook” A great idea! Listen…
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June 16, 2012 0

Spike Tv and Last Family on Earth joins us on American Preppers Radio!

Here’s a chance for you and a handful of lucky people to compete in a series of thrilling challenges for a chance to win a prized spot in a state-of-the-art, community underground shelter for you AND your immediate family in case a worldwide emergency ever strikes. In this episode of The Surreal News on American…
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June 15, 2012 5

Do you have Barter and Trade items In Time of Disaster?

After the stores are closed where will people get things like shoes, jackets and other things they will need to survive in the aftermath of a major event such as a solar EMP. Once the world as we know it has changed, and we awake to a world where Barter and Trade becomes commonplace, will you have extra…
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June 15, 2012 0

Prepping 101 with BexarPrepper on The Homestead Honey Hour!

“Prepping 101”. So what does prepping mean? It’s about expecting the unexpected. This could mean anything from job loss to man-made disasters, like economic collapse. So why don’t more people prepare? Our society as a hole has been lulled into a false sense of security. We get what we want, when we want it and…
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June 14, 2012 1

AJ Prepper on Prepping With Goat Hollow!

“AJPrepper” from Youtube. Someone fairly new to the “Community”, she opened her prepper Youtube account just this past December. Having a look at our community through a “fresh set of eyes”, and getting her insight about where our community should be heading, will be a real treat! An intertaing show with guest and our host…
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June 14, 2012 0

Honey Bees on a Preppers Path!

Bee-keeper, teacher, equipment manufacture and all round bee person Christy Hemenway of Gold Star HoneyBees joins Lynna on this episode of The Other Side…A Preppers Path. Christy is the owner of Gold Star HoneyBees , she makes top bar hives, hive kits and teaches beekeeping classes  using top bar hives. A regular contributor to MotherEarth News, TED,…
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June 12, 2012 0

Ways you can effect changes on “The Preppers Poitin Hour”

Tired of the same old-same old? Want to change your life and world now? Well let us look at ways YOU can effect changes that can have short term pay-offs AND send a message to the powers that be that YOU will not live in fear and that you are going to control your own…
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June 11, 2012 0

The Surreal News! Sunday 6/10/2012

The Surreal news!  Where our host Doug brings you the news that the “Main stream media” would rather not have you hear…. The stuff that they bury on page 56.  The life is stranger than fiction stories, that make you wonder, if you are still living in the same world.  Are you becoming certifiably insane?…
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June 11, 2012 0

Prepper Folks hits the airwaves!

The Prepper Folks are very excited to have the opportunity to welcome Ray Gano.  Ray is a lecturer,  blogger,  and the author of “Survive The Coming Storm” By Ray Gano . Ray lives a preparedness lifestyle.  Tonight we will be talking to him about how he is prepping and why he is prepping.  We will…
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June 9, 2012 0

Communication in Time of Disaster!

After a disaster how will you communicate? No cell phones! No land lines! You are cut off from the world with no way to find out what’s going on around town, across the state or around the world. Think it couldn’t happen? Well, it did after Katrina, Andrew and other hurricanes and tornadoes like the…
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June 9, 2012 0

Is there a future for the dollar?

What is the future of the dollar?  Will the greenback continue to be the overall dominant currency, backed by Saudi oil or is it about to collapse?  If so, what happens when the US Dollar collapses beyond what the Federal Reserve spin doctors can hide from the flock?  Listen in to this discussion on the…
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June 4, 2012 0

The Surreal News Sunday 6/3/2012

The Surreal news for Sunday 5/27/2012.  The news that the “Main stream media” would rather not have you hear…. The stuff that they bury on page 56.  The life is stranger than fiction stories, that make you wonder, if you are still living in the same world.  Are you becoming certifiably insane?  Or, have you…
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June 3, 2012 0