Category: News

The Surreal News Sunday 6/3/2012

The Surreal news for Sunday 5/27/2012.  The news that the “Main stream media” would rather not have you hear…. The stuff that they bury on page 56.  The life is stranger than fiction stories, that make you wonder, if you are still living in the same world.  Are you becoming certifiably insane?  Or, have you…
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June 3, 2012 0

The Surreal News Sunday 5/27/2012

The Surreal news for Sunday 5/27/2012.  The news that the “Main stream media” would rather not have you hear…. The stuff that they bury on page 56.  The life is stranger than fiction stories, that make you wonder, if you are still living in the same world.  Are you becoming certifiably insane?  Or, have you…
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May 28, 2012 0

Freedom in an unfree world on Prepping With Goat Hollow!

GoatHollow  discusses freedom in an unfree world.  Are “They” really coming to get you?  Is your world closing in?  What are the realities of the situation?  We take a more logical look at the future, and look beyond our emotional responses, to prep and plan for the inevitable in this episode of Prepping With GoatHollow!…
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May 23, 2012 0

Martial Law, part two on The Preppers Poitin Hour!

Are you worried about the military turning upon the citizens of this nation?  Have you ever seriously considered what martial is and what it means?  Do you think that martial law is a clear and present danger to liberty?  Join me, Chris, as we sit down with the poitin and discuss the specter of martial…
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May 21, 2012 0

Part two of the 101 things you need to know NOW!

On The Surreal News our host Doug presents for you part two of a two part series, 101 things you need to know NOW, about the world around you. Much is going on in our world, while things seem to be much the same as always on the surface…We’re heading very rapidly for some very…
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May 13, 2012 0

Relationship between FEMA and some school boards!

Chris of The Prepper’s Poitin Hour meets Michael Snyder of the Economic Collapse Blogsite.  They discuss his penetrating article that explores the relationship between FEMA and some school boards across the nation.  How would YOU react if you learned that your children were going to be bodily evacuated from their schools without any or very…
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May 8, 2012 0

OWS could be an emerging threat to preppers and liberty.

Have you ever really wondered just what Occupy Wall Street was REALLY all about?  As a common sense, liberty lover, SOME of their message MIGHT make some sense to you, but you JUST AREN’T SURE!  Join me, Chris, as we sit down with the poitin and discuss how OWS could be an emerging threat to…
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April 30, 2012 0

The Surreal News this Sunday on P.B.N.

The Surreal news! Where our host Doug brings you the news that the “Main stream media” would rather not have you hear…. The stuff that they bury on page 56. The life is stranger than fiction stories, that make you wonder, if you are still living in the same world. Are you becoming certifiably insane?…
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April 1, 2012 0

The Surreal News! Sunday 3/18/2012

The Surreal News! Sunday 3/18/2012 Our host Doug, brings you the news that the “Main stream media” would rather not have you hear…. The stuff that they bury on page 56. The life is stranger than fiction stories, that make you wonder, if you are still living in the same world. Are you becoming certifiably…
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March 18, 2012 0

Mark Baker is fighting to keep his pig farm!

The Michigan Dept. of Natural Resources declared almost all heritage breed of pigs that are not favored by the big corporations for factory farming to be an invasive species. Mark is fighting to save his small farm, and small hog raising operation.  The DNR has declared (No state law, just declared), that they will kill all…
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March 14, 2012 0

You may know him as The Armchair Survivalist!

He can help you stay safe, well fed and healthy. Kurt will help you handle nearly anything that does, or could, lower your ability to survive. If he doesn’t know the answer to your question, he can tell you where to go to get it. Listen to internet radio with American Preppers Radio on Blog…
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March 13, 2012 0

3/11/2012 The surreal News on P.B.N.

The stuff that they bury on page 56. The life is stranger than fiction stories, that make you wonder, if you are still living in the same world. Are you becoming certifiably insane? Or, have you simply entered the realm of…The Surreal News??? Listen to internet radio with American Preppers Radio on Blog Talk Radio…
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March 11, 2012 0