Category: In Time of Disaster

Hurricane Sandy and the fiasco!

Karen with ” In Time of Disaster” and the Hurricane Sandy and fiasco! After the 35+ years in disaster and emergency services I’ve come to the conclusion that Ugly is only skin deep, whereas stupid runs all the way to the bone. After watching the fiasco that is the aftermath of hurricane Sandy and watching…
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November 7, 2012 0

Bug out Bags “In Time of Disaster”!

With all the things that Preppers are told they should have and all the things that we do have and are bug out bags, how much of it a necessity and how much of it is just wasted space? In this show “In Time of Disaster” for a while we will discuss the different items…
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September 7, 2012 0

Humanity “In Time of Disaster”

This Friday on “In Time of Disaster” we will discuss humanity, or the lack thereof in the aftermath of a major disaster and how it will not only affect your family but all of humanity as society begins to fall into the depths of despair and manufactured hate as a lack of everything brings out…
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August 31, 2012 0

Louisiana School of Bushcraft “In Time of Disaster”

Survival 101… Tonight on In Time of Disaster! We will be joined by Jonathon and others from Louisiana School of Bushcraft to talk about the basics of survival in a worst case situation. Between Jonathon and his partners they have many years of experience in survival and instruction and are coming on the show to…
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August 24, 2012 0

Do you have enough supplies, a support system “In Time of Disaster”?

On this airing of “In Time of Disaster” we will continue our discussion about getting from point A to point B and what will you do once you arrive at your safe place. Do you have enough supplies at your safe place? Do you have a support system of friends and/or family to help you…
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August 17, 2012 0

Modes of transportation “In Time of Disaster”

This week on In Time of Disaster we will discuss a modes of transportation after the SHTF. What different modes of transportation will be available to you and what will be your best choice to get from point A to point B when all normal means of transportation and the world as we know it changes…
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August 10, 2012 0

In Time of Disaster…Open Mic

This weeks show was open mic night as we talked about the subjects you are interested in such as shelters, transportation, communications, firearms and more. We gave you 2 choices, either call in, or put your questions in chat and we got the responses. Listen to this show in player below. Listen to internet radio…
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July 27, 2012 0

Shelters and Whats best for you!

This Friday on In Time of Disaster we continued our discussion on shelters and attempt to discover what type of shelter would be the best for you and your family. Do you have plans for a long term for shelter in the event of a major disaster? Having the ability to build a shelter is…
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July 20, 2012 0

Natural to man-made disasters

This Friday on “In Time of disaster” we will continue the discussion of last week as we move from natural to man-made disasters such as a refinery fire, floods or in the case of the nuclear power plant in Japan and all other types of disasters that are caused in part or in whole by man…
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July 6, 2012 0

Natural Disasters!

From Tornados to Earthquakes and everything in between, we will discuss how Mother Nature can give you days to seconds before disaster strikes and what you need to know to survive. As this week I witnessed at a distance how Mother Nature can turn your life into ashes in a matter of seconds leaving those…
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June 30, 2012 0

American Preppers Radio Special!

Could it be? The Homestead Honeys, Goat Hollow, Aj Prepper, Bexar Prepper, RedHorse_Ronin, Prepper Folks, The HillBilly Prepper Gals and all the other hosts from this network getting together for a single show? It’s looking that way. Visit us all in the player below and listen in to Tuesday’s show for what was a very…
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June 27, 2012 0

Do you have a safe place to shelter?

If a disaster were to strike would you have a safe place to shelter? Do you have a plan to protect your family from whatever might come from hurricanes, tornado’s, EMP or any other disaster might come. In this episode of In Time of Disaster we will discuss what a shelter is, what they are…
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June 23, 2012 0

Do you have Barter and Trade items In Time of Disaster?

After the stores are closed where will people get things like shoes, jackets and other things they will need to survive in the aftermath of a major event such as a solar EMP. Once the world as we know it has changed, and we awake to a world where Barter and Trade becomes commonplace, will you have extra…
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June 15, 2012 0