Category: Herbal Prepper

Steps to Health Freedom!

Steps to Health Freedom! Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Health Freedom almost made it into the US Consititution. Over two centuries ago, we were warned, “Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship

February 8, 2016 0

Zika Virus, should you worry?

Should you be worried about Zika virus? Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” You may have heard that the World Health Organization (WHO) has described the Zika virus as ”spreading explosively”. Does this mean that the Zika virus is the next big pandemic? Should you be worried about the Zika virus?

February 1, 2016 0

Fitness As If Survival Mattered Part 3

Making Health a Habit Fitness As If Survival Mattered Part 3 Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Last week’s episode ran over. So, this week, we’re going to pick up where we left off with different approaches to low-glycemic diets, food storage strategies, and how to avoid letting those good habits slide before they

January 17, 2016 0

Women with guns!

Women with guns! Ok, now that I have your attention… Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” If you enjoy prepper fiction, then you’ll love Annie Berdel’s book, Alpha Farm, The Beginning. Annie will be giving away a paperback copy of her book, as well as an audio copy. Alpha Farm, The Beginning has a solid story with un-apologetically…
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December 14, 2015 0

Emergency Evacuations!

Emergency Evacuations and Lisa Bedford Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Everyone wants to know when is it time to “bug out”? Leaving too soon could cost you your job or reputation. Leaving too late could cost you your life. While every circumstance is different, Lisa gave this question its own chapter and covered the topic…
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December 7, 2015 0

Cold Weather Top Five Risks

Top Five Cold Weather Risks to Your Heath? Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” As the temperatures drop lower and lower, the risk of five types of cold weather injuries shoots up. Do you know what they are? Even more important, do you have the skills to respond to such an injury? In this episode of…
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November 30, 2015 0

Bleeding, Now what?

You’re bleeding! Now what? Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Uh-oh, you’re bleeding! Perhaps it was a bite, a deep slice of a knife while processing a deer, a gun shot wound, road rash, or maybe an open sore. No matter what has caused the wound, it needs to be treated quickly and correctly

November 23, 2015 0

DIY Herbal Cleaning Supplies!

DIY Herbal Cleaning Supplies Cat Ellis “The Herbal Prepper Live” Learn to make your own non-toxic herbal household cleaners in this episode of Herbal Prepper Live. The ability to stay clean increases your chance of staying healthy. Many of these contain toxic ingredients, some suspected of being carcinogens. Plus, many people take for granted that there…
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November 15, 2015 0

Arthritis, The Downfall When The SHTF

Will Arthritis Be Your Downfall When The SHTF Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Are you prepared to care for arthritis pain after SHTF? Even if you don’t have arthritis today, odds are good that someday you will. To be clear, this episode isn’t just for people suffering from arthritis now, but for everyone

November 9, 2015 4

Pandemics The Unknown Threats!

The Pandemics Threat The Media Isn’t Talking About Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” This episode of Herbal Prepper Live will be cover the latest news on infectious diseases that should be in the news, but haven’t been. More importantly, how to do a Self Imposed Reverse Quarantine (SIRQ). Unless you’re actively looking for information about…
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November 2, 2015 0

House Fire, smoke inhalation and burn care!

House Fire, smoke inhalation and burn care! Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live“ A couple of months ago, our smoke detectors went off. I didn’t think much about it at first, as they had only ever done that when one of their batteries was near dead. Then the doorbell rang, and the elderly man who lives…
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October 26, 2015 0

Garlic, Post-Disaster Medicine

Garlic for Post-Disaster Medicine Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” This week’s show is dedicated to the pungent, spicy, and strong-flavored herb, garlic. The culinary and medicinal applications of garlic should warrant it a major place in any home garden. For the prepper/survivalist making plans

October 18, 2015 0

Herbs for the Gluten-Free Prepper

Herbs for the Gluten-Free Prepper Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” It seems like everyone is avoiding gluten these days. Some people give it up without even knowing if they need to. Others think reactions to gluten are “all in your head”. Today, there are growing “gluten-free” sections at the grocery store, which on one hand…
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October 11, 2015 1