Category: Herbal Prepper

Medicine Growing Your Own!

Medicine Growing Your Own Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Audio in player below! It’s almost spring, and that means it’s that time of year to get planting your medicinal herb garden. The question is, what herbs are the most important herbs to grow? In this episode of Herbal Prepper Live, we will cover a wide variety…
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February 13, 2017 0

Ditch Medicine with The Herbal Prepper!

Ditch Medicine Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Audio in player below! This episode is all about “ditch medicine”. Ditch medicine makes due with what you have on hand. The idea is to stay alive (or keep someone else alive) with whatever is available, until you reach help or help finds you. Sometimes this includes herbs,…
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February 6, 2017 1

Be Your Best During the Worst Helping Others!

Be Your Best During the Worst  Helping Others Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Audio in player below! Will you be a “helper” when the worst happens? In response to a question about how to handle troubling images in the news, children’s television icon, Fred Rogers said, “When I was a boy and I would see…
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January 30, 2017 0

Seven Essential Herbal Skills Part 2

Seven Essential Herbal Skills Part 2 Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Audio in player below! We’re picking up where we left off last week, and covering tinctures, infused oils, salves, and poultices. Here’s the description from last week’s live show. It’s back to basics, Herbal Prepper style! This week and next week, I’m covering essential…
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January 23, 2017 0

Seven Essential Herbal Skills

Seven Essential Herbal Skills Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Audio in player below! It’s back to basics, Herbal Prepper style! This week and next week, I’m covering essential herbal skills. These skills will help you build a natural, affordable, sustainable source of remedies. They are simple, effective, and you can learn them quickly.

January 16, 2017 0

Holiday Herbal Gifts Part 3 “Salts”

Holiday Herbal Gifts Part 3 “Salts” Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Audio in player below! Wrapping up this series on herbal gifts, the focus is on salts. Salts of various types make great, quick, natural, and non-toxic, handmade gifts. Best of all, they are easy. By definition, a salt any chemical compound formed from the…
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December 19, 2016 0

Handmade Herbal Gifts: Part Two

Handmade Herbal Gifts: Part Two Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Audio in player below! This week, we are continuing with part two of the 3-part handmade Herbal Gifts series that begun last week. (See last week’s description below.) Tonight I’m sharing ideas for salves, lotions, aftershave, beard oil, bath salts, and magnesium oil. From last…
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December 12, 2016 0

Handmade Herbal Gifts

Handmade Herbal Gifts Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Listen in player below! Calling all DIYers! Want some ideas for frugal, quick-to-make holiday gifts? You still have time to to make loads of handmade, natural, herbal gifts. Be sure to listen to Herbal Prepper Live this Sunday to learn how. The herbal crafts I’m covering require…
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November 28, 2016 0

Herbal Steams for Cold and Flu Season

Herbal Steams for Cold and Flu Season Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Listen in player below! This week, I’m talking about herbal steams for the cold and flu season. Cold and flu season is roughly October through May, with a peak in February. I talk about herbal medicine for respiratory infections periodically throughout the season. Herbal…
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November 21, 2016 0

Herbalist’s View on New “Vet Med” Regulations

Herbalist’s View on New “Vet Med” Regulations Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Listen in player below! Do you rely on so-called “vet meds”? The FDA has recently stepped in to regulate these medications, specifically antibiotics. The hope here is to slow down the advance of antibiotic resistance. In this episode, I share my thoughts on…
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November 7, 2016 0

Herbalist Katja Swift Interview!

Herbalist Katja Swift Interview Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Listen in player below! This week on Herbal Prepper Live, I will be chatting with Boston-based herbalist Katja Swift. Katja, along with Ryn Midura, founded the CommonWealth Center for Herbal Medicine in Boston, Massachusetts. Katja is the center’s Director of Education. 

October 31, 2016 0

Be Ready, with guest Chuck Hudson

Be Ready, with guest Chuck Hudson Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Listen in player below! Update: scheduling change, Katja Swift from the CommonWealth Center for Herbal Medicine will be our live guest next week. On this episode, Chuck Hudson is going to be joining us again to wrap up the conversation we started on October…
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October 24, 2016 0

Stress, Cooler Heads Will Prevail

Cooler Heads Will Prevail Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Listen in player below! All about calming, nervine and adaptogenic herbs. People underestimate the impact stress has on their health. People do not make their best decisions when under stress. Stress prompts us to act without thinking. If we are anxious, if we panic, if we…
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October 17, 2016 0