Category: Herbal Prepper

Interview with Author James Walton

Interview with Author James Walton Host: Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Listen in for an informative and entertaining episode of Herbal Prepper Live. Joined in this episode with podcaster and author James Walton. You may know him from the I Am Liberty Show, or numerous articles in various preparedness publications. James is joining me to discuss…
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October 19, 2014 0

Pandemic Checklist: Is Yours Complete?

Pandemic Checklist: Is Yours Complete? Host: Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” In this episode of Herbal Prepper Live, we’re going to go over what belongs on a “pandemic checklist”, and how Herbal Medicine can help fill in the gaps on that checklist. The massive Ebola outbreak in West Africa has caused a surge of interest…
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October 12, 2014 0

Prepare for Ebola!

Now Is The Time To Prepare Host: Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” The Director of the CDC, Tom Frieden, said that Ebola’s spreading to the United States is “inevitable“. When the Center for Disease Control sends the word out to hospitals that, “Now is the time to prepare,” providing a checklist to hospitals urging them…
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September 28, 2014 2

Herbal Burn Care!

Herbal Burn Care Why You Need to Know How to Treat Burns Host: Cat Ellis “The Herbal Prepper Live” If you are preparing to function as the health/medical person in your family or mutual support group, caring for burns must be part of your training. Burns are wounds. And while first degree burns (usually sunburns)…
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September 21, 2014 0

Essential Oils For Preparedness

Essential Oils For Preparedness Host: Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live“ This episode of Herbal Prepper Live is about Essential Oils for Preparedness. This show builds upon last week’s episode where we discussed specific oils to include in an essential oil first aid kit. This week, we are talking about how to use them, where do…
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September 14, 2014 0

Essential Oils KISS First Aid Kit!

Essential Oils KISS First Aid Kit Host: Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Want to know how to include essential oils in your first aid kit? Tune into this episode of Herbal Prepper Live to learn what oils you’ll need, how to use them, and how to store them. The essential oils discussed in this show…
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September 7, 2014 0

The KISS Kit: Complete Herbal First Aid

The KISS Kit: A Complete Herbal First Aid Kit with only Ten Remedies Host: Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” So, you want to put an herbal first aid kit together. Great! A solid, herbal first aid kit provides effective natural medicine for the most common injuries, aches, and infections. However, there are so many wonderful…
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August 17, 2014 0

Herbal Prepper Live w/ guests Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy

Herbal Prepper Live with guests Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy Host: Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Be sure to tune in live for this week’s episode of Herbal Prepper Live where my guests will be none other than the leaders of the Medical Preparedness field themselves, Joe Alton, M.D. (Dr. Bones) and Amy Alton, A.R.N.P.…
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August 9, 2014 0

Mental Health, When the Meds Run Out!

Mental Health, When the Meds Run Out! Host:Cat Ellis: “Herbal Prepper Live” Could you manage depression, anxiety, ADHD, or bi-polar disorder after a disaster? You probably know someone close to you with one of the conditions listed above, because a significant percentage of Americans are on anti-psychotic prescriptions. These drugs are linked to dangerous side…
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August 3, 2014 0

Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis!

Are you prepared for drug-resistant tuberculosis? Host: Cat Ellis: “Herbal Prepper Live” Tuberculosis isn’t on a lot of people’s radar, but it should be. Technically, there is a global tuberculosis pandemic, with someone dying every 25 seconds. Tuberculosis is also developing resistance to even the most powerful, “last line of defense” antibiotics currently made. Multidrug-resistant…
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July 27, 2014 2

Can You Afford To Get sick When SHTF?

Can You Afford To Get sick When SHTF? Host: Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” As the saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. In bad times, it would be worth much more than just a pound. It is as if disaster is form of “illness inflation”. Everyone gets sick once…
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July 20, 2014 0

Cayenne: A Medicine Chest In A Pepper

Cayenne: A Medicine Chest In A Pepper Host: Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Cayenne pepper (Capsicum annum) is a favorite addition to many recipes and gardens all across the United States. It’s also could serve as a viable replacement for the most common medicines in the average home medicine chest. Some of the most common…
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July 6, 2014 0

Mullein and Hyssop Respiratory Herbs

Mullein and Hyssop Respiratory Herbs Host: Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” This week on The Herbal Prepper Live, we’re going to discuss two of my favorite respiratory herbs: mullein (Verbascum thapus) and hyssop (Hyssop officinalis). Cold and flu season seems far away right now. The Summer Solstice just passed officially signaling the beginning of summer.…
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June 29, 2014 1