Category: Apocalypse Nana

Invasion America!

 Invasion America Host: Jacqueline Druga “Apocalypse Nana” We boast as Americans we live in the greatest country in the world. Yet, we as any other country are not immune to being invaded or attacked. History shows this, from the Revolutionary War to September 11. That’s just America. Many countries have experienced attacks on their soil.…
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July 10, 2014 2

After the Bombs!

After the Bombs Host: Jacqueline Druga “Apocalypse Nana” Since the very first detonation of a nuclear weapon the world has been besieged with a certain fear. And rightfully so. Despite tests and even eye witness testimony along with what has been learned through Hiroshima and Nagasaki, for decades society has had a misguided view of…
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July 3, 2014 0

Apocalypse Nana “Premiere”

Apocalypse Nana “Premiere” Host: Jacqueline Druga “Apocalypse Nana” Who says learning can’t be fun? Whether you are an expert prepper or just beginning, Author Jacqueline Druga opens up your world to survival and readiness in an entertaining, fun and informative way. More than an author, Jacqueline is a mother and grandmother and her means of…
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June 26, 2014 0