Category: Aj’s Prep Talk

Are Preppers Being Watched?

By: Aj Prepper Everywhere you look today, you hear about the war on terrorism.  Do we really understand what they are looking for?  Do we really know what criteria they use to describe the people they flag as possible threats?  Do you think people that prep are among those that could be targeted?  These are…
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September 10, 2012 0

How to best choose a suitable weapon and the importance of training!

On this episode of  Aj’s prep talk as requested, we will have a special guest. Kent is a CCW (Concealed carry weapon) instructor with us.  Aj recently got the privilege of spending time with him on the range and getting very valuable instruction.  We will be talking about how to best choose a suitable weapon…
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September 10, 2012 0

What’s up? Aj’s Prep Talk!

Tonight’s show on “Aj’s Prep Talk” will be open for your topic choice discussion. Aj has several things lined up for the upcoming weeks and would like to take this oppritunity to hear what her listeners would like to hear from her upcoming guests. We will also discuss how our prepping has been going.  Have…
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September 3, 2012 0

GoatHollow on Aj’s prep talk!

On this airing of Aj’s prep talk, we will be talking with fellow co-host Goathollow. As well as being a host on the prepper broadcasting network, he has a youtube channel and has now written a book.  He is a very seasoned prepper doing everything from gardening, raising animals and preparing for hardships in our…
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August 27, 2012 0

Dr Bones and Nurse Amy on Aj’s Prep Talk!

On This airing of Aj’s Prep Talk Aj will be talking about the medical side of prepping. We will hear from special guests Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy. They have a youtube channel; a web site called Doom and Bloom and has written several articles and books.  Dr. Bones is an M.D. as well as…
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August 20, 2012 0

Aj Prepper and the Hillbillys!

This week Aj will be interviewing a guest that the viewers have asked for! Hillbillysndabush will be joining her to talk about their prepping and bushcrafting experiences. The Hillbilly is not just another youtuber for Aj to interview! He is also her husband of 14 years and the father of her two little hillbilly sons.…
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August 13, 2012 0

Aj’s Prep Talk with Mr. Ndcouey from youtube!

Tonight’s show, Aj’s Prep Talk we talked with another seasoned prepper. Mr. Ndcouey from youtube he has been sharing his knowledge with us for over two years.  Doing everything from shooting weapons, knives, bug out vehicles, canning, dehydrating, making tinctures and just plain having fun.  He has given back to his community and encouraged others…
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August 6, 2012 0

Aj’s Prep Talk! All about your questions!

Tonight show “Aj’s Prep Talk” will be a little different than usual.  Instead of having a guest, Aj will like to speak to you about some of the things on her mind.  She has gotten a lot of questions about what she has read, watched and done herself.  As always the phone lines will be…
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July 30, 2012 0

The Lost Art of Being Prepared.

This week on the Aj Prepper show, we will be talking to a guest that is really starting to get some recognition in the prepping community. This man is known to you tube as Mahalyc33. He has been spreading the importance of prepping not only with his channel, but by doing blog interactive chats as…
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July 23, 2012 0

Spread the importance of prepping to others!

Are you trying to spread the importance of prepping to others? Aj’s guest on this episode of “Aj’s Prep Talk” is doing all she can to help her community prepare for anything that may come. From giving canning lessons to group shooting classes, perbain is not sitting around waiting for disaster to take her by…
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July 16, 2012 0

Aj’s Prep Talk with LowBuckPrepper!

On Aj’s Prep Talk she is talking to The Lowbuckprepper from youtube. Lowbuck is a big part of the prepper community. In addition to his youtube channel he also hosts a website bringing us Real Day Preppers. This show unlike those cohered television broadcasts, give you an honest look at real preppers in their own…
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July 9, 2012 0

The Premier debut Aj’s Prep Talk!

We all have to start somewhere! When did you realize that you needed to do more? What was your first step? What advise can you give to us baby preppers trying to find our way? These are just some of the questions Aj asked our very own Goat Hollow on her very exciting debut show…
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July 2, 2012 0