Category: Self Defense

How Does A Night Vision Scope Work?

How Does A Night Vision Scope Work?   There is a lot to be said about the joys of hunting. It is a shame then that one can only hunt during the daylight hours. Unfortunately, you will miss out on a lot of options that go along with hunting at night.   If you have a…
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September 24, 2019 0

TGA- AR15’s: Starter Rifle

I want to buy an AR15 but I have no idea where to start and what to buy….

July 11, 2019 0

U.S. Military .30cal Rifles History, Gunsmithing, & Operation Part 2

Do you want to know more about US Military 30 Cal Rifles from the past? How to fix them, get parts, what to watch out for, and the various models that were fielded and are still available?? Tune in and find out!

June 4, 2019 0

U.S. Military Firearms: WW2 .30cal Rifles History, Gunsmithing, & Operation

This show is about the various US Military .30 cal rifles from WW2, Korea, and even Vietnam. History, Operations, and Gunsmithing.

May 23, 2019 0

Gunsmithing the 1911 Part 2

Hello TEAM GUNMETAL!! This week, I’m going to finish up my 1911 Gunsmithing podcast, talk a bit more about some mods you can make to a 1911, ways to take care of common 1911 problems… and if I have enough time… I’ll discuss some other handguns and gunsmithing them. I will touch on the Bible…
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March 21, 2019 2

Gunsmithing the 1911 and other handguns

Gunsmithing the 1911 and other handguns for Preppers and Survivalists

March 14, 2019 0

Cowboy Survival Skills that Ruled the West with The Next Generation Show

The old west was a romantic, desolate, violent place. It was a world without rule of law outside the borders of what few small communities spotted the landscape. Life then is what people today may consider the end of the world – no electricity, no running water, scarce food, barren landscapes, impossible terrain, vigilante justice.…
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February 24, 2019 0

What ATF Regulations Mean for Gun Owners

This is a sponsored post with and you may see more of these sponsored posts in the future. That said, Prepper Broadcasting Network will always be transparent about these posts and they will not come without a degree of knowledge and benefit to the reader. We are living through an age where our most fundamental…
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January 29, 2019 0

The Sharpest Tool in the Shed

The Sharpest Tool in the Shed! Ryan & Colin Buford “The Next Generation” Audio player below! As a kid growing up, I remember the first knife I ever received. I remember the weight and feel of it, the dangers and risks, the responsibilities and the restraints. It was a gift and still is to this…
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January 8, 2019 0

Shotguns: Ammunition Edition part 3!

Shotguns: Ammunition Edition Part 3 Dane D. “The Gunmetal Armory” Audio player provided Last week, on the Gunmetal Armory, we talked all about ammunition again including Rimfire calibers, which ones work the best, which ones to stock up on and the rimfire rounds we prefer to use when we are at the range or stocking…
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November 9, 2018 0

Ballistics Ammunition Edition!

Ballistics Ammunition Edition part 2! Dane D. “The Gunmetal Armory” Audio player provided On the Gunmetal Armory, we are gonna talk ammo again. Its the Gunmetal Armory Ammunition Edition part 2. Product Pick of the week will once again start this show. We will discuss the Second Amendment and any relevant news regarding the Second…
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November 2, 2018 0

Gunmetal Armory Ammunition!

The Gunmetal Armory Ammunition Edition Dane D. “The Gunmetal Armory” Audio player provided! Listen in to this episode of the Gunmetal Armory ammunition edition. The Mistress of Metal and I are discussing Ammo, stocking up, which calibers, and more. It’s the Gunmetal Armory Ammunition Edition!! Good time spent is time diving into different types of…
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October 26, 2018 0

Combat Handguns!

Combat Handguns! Dane… “The Gunmetal Armory” Audio player provided! There is a lot of nuance that goes in to what people consider to be a Combat Handgun. For many years, the combat handgun was a flintlock pistol, and largely remained that way until the invention of the percussion cap. The percussion cap allowed the shooter…
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October 12, 2018 0