Category: guns

Firearm selection!

Firearm selection! Josh “The 7P’s of Survival” It’s time to explore a topic I have only touched on a few times on the show, firearm selection. I know everyone has a passionate opinion on this topic with what they believe is the right weapon to have in any given circumstance! We explore selecting a firearm for…
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March 9, 2016 0

The Collapse Experiment Pilot episode

The Collapse Experiment Pilot episode Matthew Gilam “The Collapse Experiment” Pilot episode, in this episode I will be discussing low budget firearms and any recent news concerning the prepper community. Some of the firearms that will be discussed are: Mosin-nagant 7.62x54r bolt action, Hi-point .45 carbine, and .22lr firearms that were once the foundation of the…
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July 25, 2015 0

Weapons Technology!

Weapons Technology Dirty Lew & Highlander “Tech Prep” On this episode we will talk about various weapons technology, and the history and uses of weapons in modern day life. Learn about sighting systems, various bullet technology and how weapons have made us safer and made life LESS dangerous. We will talk about why most people today need a…
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June 13, 2015 0

Gun Control, Applauding Counter Measures!

Gun Control, Applauding Counter Measures! I must say the frown I held when watching the first video regarding gun control was quickly swept away and replaced with a smile while watching the second. What in the world were they thinking in the first video? Who in their right mind would not contemplate arming themselves for…
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August 2, 2014 0

Smart Ammo, Border Disease….

Smart Ammo, Border Disease…. Host: Dr Bones & Nurse Amy “The Survival Medicine Hour” Holy cow, science fiction is becoming fact more often than not, and here’s more proof. The Pentagon’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency has announced the first successful live-fire tests of the military’s first smart, self-guided bullets. In a video released by…
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July 14, 2014 2

Guns Movies & Facebook

Guns, Movies & Facebook Hosts: Don & Nick “We Grow Ours” This week on the We Grow Ours show, Nick and Don have a casual conversation.. Yup, that’s it, that is the show this week. No guests, nothing fancy. We chat about everything from Facebook posts to some of our upcoming events. We start off with a…
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June 24, 2014 0

Firearms Repair Kit & Choosing Your Weapon!

Firearms Repair Kit & Choosing Your Weapon! Host: The Gun Show “Best of Prepper Broadcasting” When people talk about TEOTWAWKI (The End Of The World As We Know It) and SHTF, its commonplace to consider what firearms you need.  The debate is eternal regarding which three guns you should own in a true worst case…
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March 25, 2014 0

Gun Control, A Woman’s Perspective!

Gun Control, A Woman’s Perspective! Host: Noreen “Homestead Honey Hour” on Best of Prepper Broadcasting We are all concerned about being prepared for whatever we may face. We are all concerned about the safely of our homes, families and ourselves, should the situation present itself. We want to be able to defend ourselves. We talk…
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February 11, 2014 0

Gunshot Wounds in a Post-Disaster Environment!

Gunshot wounds in a post-disaster environment! Host: Sam Coffman “The Human Path” Everybody who prepares for the worst should have at least one firearm and preferably much more than just one. Pistol, rifle and shotgun are all necessary weapons to own for defense and hunting. Anyone owning weapons should also incorporate firearm training and maintenance…
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January 7, 2014 0

Of Knives and Guns!

Of Knives and Guns on The Human Path: Buying, caring for and using knives and guns can be overwhelming to a lot of people. Learning enough practical information about these very important tools and weapons before making a purchase can help save a lot of money and frustration. Join Sam Coffman as he discusses several points…
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September 25, 2013 1

The Gun Show! on is giving away a High End AR-15

Have you ever wanted an AR-15? Would you like to up grade from that thing your using and increase your odds of survival? How ’bout just adding what may well be one of the best rifles you will ever own to your arsenal? Monday July 29th right here at American Preppers Radio ( on…
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July 15, 2013 0

Protecting your family in times of disaster.

What would you do if you knew with 100% certainty that your house and property was going to be looted within 10 minutes, but it was too late to get out because all the roads were blocked? How would you organize your retreat to be able fight and win? Would everyone in your house know…
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July 15, 2013 0

Project Appleseed the history of our great nation!

Have you ever wanted to get training on various types of firearms, but can’t afford the $350+ cost for the class, plus hotel, airfare, and ammo? Well the good news is, now you and your entire family can get trained for around $50 plus ammo! You may have heard The Survival Mom talk about this…
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July 8, 2013 0