Category: terrorism

Terrorism is it back? Are you ready?

Terrorism is it back? Are you ready? Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty” Will there come a day when these intermittent attacks by radical Muslims become an everyday occurrence. I grew up in a town where there were 3 cops to every 1000 residents. I am sure in bigger cities that numbers is even smaller.…
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January 16, 2015 0

Get in, Get out, Freedom seekers!

Get in, Get out, Freedom seekers Host: Jacqueline Druga “Apocalypse Nana” Every day, close to 5,000 freedom seekers cross our borders from down south trying to get into America. Despite our best efforts, our border patrol is only able to stop a mere ten percent, on a good day, twenty-five percent. Even if they stopped…
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July 31, 2014 0