Category: Security

The Single Mom Survival Series Part 2: Fortification

The Single Mom Survival Series Part 2: Fortification Dane… “The Gunmetal Armory” Audio player provided! On this outing of the Gunmetal Armory… we dive back into Single Mom Survival and prepping. Something many moms think about is how to protect their children… in every day life, and in a worst case scenario. Any sort of…
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June 8, 2018 0

The Secure Dad and Parenting!

The Secure Dad and Parenting James Walton “I Am Liberty ” Audio player below! I wish I could say that there has been a gap since my last installment of this school shooting series. I wish I could say that the importance of this topic was fading and that maybe this collection of shows that…
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May 24, 2018 0

Tactical TV Remotes for SHTF

Tactical TV Remotes for SHTF Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below! This week we are having a little fun with surveillance cameras. Cameras are ubiquitous and most everyone carries one in their pocket. We see the traffic cameras, CCTV, and webcams and to many people, this is good news as the technology can be…
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April 21, 2018 0

Places to Avoid in SHTF

Places to Avoid in SHTF Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below! In this show, we are going to be talking about places to avoid when SHTF. We all see the pictures and videos of store shelves stripped bare before a major storm. We see the long lines at hardware stores with people buying plywood…
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March 24, 2018 0

Prepping in School!

Prepping in School James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio player below! These terrible school shootings have called us to question how school has changed. They have also called us to question what should change about school. We know that we are approaching a time of great change and that school should not be left out…
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March 1, 2018 0

Vehicular Prep Part 2: Movement & Dismount

Vehicular Prep Part 2: Movement & Dismount Dane… “The Gunmetal Armory” Audio player provided! On this episode of The Gunmetal Armory… we dive into the second Part of Vehicular Prep: Movement & Dismount. Vehicular Prep is not just about the Gear we carry within and the emergencies we are prepared for, it is also about…
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February 23, 2018 0

Defending Your Home Part 2!

Defending Your Home Part 2! Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below! A famous line from a movie once quoted, “This is my house. I have to defend it.” Last week we all learned that we have behavior problems and that we need discipline. We discussed ideas for Light, Sound, Smell, Sanitation, and Appearance discipline. In…
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October 28, 2017 0

Deterrent or acceptable casualty!

Deterrent or acceptable casualty! James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio player below! The importance of a deterrent goes way beyond the collapse of society. Its a concept that we all should be practicing today! No matter who you are, a physical altercation is never a good idea. There is simply too much unknown. Yet, all…
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October 26, 2017 0

Defending Your Home!

Defending Your Home. Part 1. Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below! A famous line from a movie once quoted, “This is my house. I have to defend it.” Well folks, it’s time we circle the wagons and develop a battle plan for defending our home. We will learn how to play a disaster like…
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October 21, 2017 0

Having Access or Escape!

Having Access or Escape! James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio player below! I want to look at some ideas and thoughts concerning access. Its a topic that we rarely discuss. There are a number of reasons why. The major one is because of laws. Breaking and entering is a big deal in our society, as…
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September 21, 2017 0

Communication Security practicing through obscurity!

Communication Security practicing through obscurity! Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below! Have you ever thought you were being followed? Have you ever seen that one particular vehicle everywhere you go? Are you nervous that the government is after you? Well let me set your fears to rest. You are being tracked and there is…
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August 12, 2017 0

OPSEC How your crumbs can add up to Cake!

OPSEC and how your crumbs can add up to Cake! Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below! In this show we will be discussing Operations Security or OPSEC. I’ll explain why OPSEC is important and what you can do to protect yourself and reduce your risks and vulnerabilities. You will see how you are leaving…
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August 5, 2017 0

Cyber Attacks: Your Ransomware Wake Up Call

Cyber Attacks: Your Ransomware Wake Up Call Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Audio player at bottom of this post! Last Tuesday, the latest global ransomware attack struck, focused primarily in Ukraine and Russia. If you have been looking for the perfect event to get through to your non-prepping loved ones, the Petya ransomware attack is…
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July 2, 2017 0