Category: grocery

Psychological Preparedness and Shopping Tactics!

Psychological Preparedness and Shopping Tactics Host: Gary & GGsBoo “The Road Less Traveled” Welcome to this outing on “The Road Less Traveled.” On this excursion we’ll focus on some of the intricacies of Prepping from our perspectives with an emphasis on psychological preparedness being quite important to our overall efforts. Learning exactly who and what…
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May 17, 2017 0

Sugar, foods, and health in prepping!

Sugar, foods, and health in prepping! James Walton “I Am Liberty” I was sitting in the sauna today after a grueling workout it came to me. I was dripping sweat and staring the scorching ground of the sauna thinking about how hard it had been to avoid sugar for the 3 weeks I have been…
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April 23, 2016 0

Co-ops and buying clubs!

Co-ops and buying clubs D.J. Cooper “Surviving Dystopia” Last week we talked about pinching pennies and ways to save with projects aimed at reducing the costs of some of the things we need.  Another way to save money and make those pennies last is to buy in bulk, Co-ops and buying clubs.  If in the…
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November 5, 2015 0

The Wish List, great ideas for Christmas!

Do you have a homesteading item you would love to have? Are you having trouble deciding what that perfect gift for family or friends should be? That favorite prepping item you want is probably the same your loved ones or friends would want. Karen Lynn shares her wish list for her homesteading and prepping needs…
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December 15, 2014 0


TEOTWAWKI~ A New World! Host: Lynna “…A Preppers Path” TEOTWAWKI is a term often bandied about and usually has a pretty scary meaning. BUT what if you could change your life today, your world, creating a solution based TEOTWAWKI, the way we want it. Imagine your world the way you want it, now, a life…
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October 20, 2013 0

What that expiration date on your groceries REALLY means

This show re-scheduled from last week due to technical issues will air LIVE tonight Thursday 4/25 Many of us have food storage.  As people living a prepared lifestyle we take it upon ourselves to make sure we have what we need for any situation.  Food storage is the first thing many “preppers” try and achieve…
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April 25, 2013 0

How to Eat on $10 a Week A 10 Step Guide to Eating on Less.

On this episode of Preparing For Life’s Storms! It is all about how you form a budget for yourself and learn to shop wisely while gathering a good food storage.  You learn how to use your kitchen and cook from scratch, then you start using the storage you built up.  Meanwhile, there is a way…
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April 2, 2013 0

Getting the most value out of your food storage and budget.

The holidays are upon us, old Mother Hubbard went to the cupboard, and the cupboard was……….BARE? Yikes, not only would that be a tragedy during the holidays but a catastrophe during times of disaster. So what are you gonna do? The questions of food storage and value face us daily but never more prominently than…
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December 3, 2012 0

“Common Sense Prepping” and specifics on food storage.

Join Deb today on “Common Sense Prepping” as she gets specific on food storage.  Many new Preppers ask what exactly they need to have in a full months’ food supply. This week, Deb will let you know what to buy and how to get a good start on your storage in a hurry. Deb will…
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November 23, 2012 0

The GMO Story, End of Discussion

Listen to the original show on GMO go here!

November 18, 2012 0

Over 50? Save a little money for your preps!

In these dire times we all can use some help. If you are a prepper, like many of us it’s scrimp and save to prepare. I recently received this email from a dear friend and found worth posting and sharing with all of you. I believe that most preppers are in the 50 plus year…
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September 8, 2012 0

Preparewise, long term emergency food, and Prepping!

The Homestead Honey Hour this week, Thursday, May 31st with there guest for the first half hour, Chris, from, a company that makes a line of long term, emergency food supply items a lot of informative was learned. The gals on the Homestead Honey Hour were all sent samples of products that were provided…
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May 31, 2012 0

Easy grocery shopping by saving money.

Guest post:   Shopping for groceries at the mall or supermarket on every weekend according to shopping lists takes too much of time and energy. Sometime we go for shopping without having enough money and could not buy enough grocery for the week. Since, food and drink is the primary element for human being to…
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May 1, 2012 0