Category: Skills

Land Navigation in Emergencies and Disasters!

Land Navigation in Emergencies and Disasters! David A. Vine “All Hazards Communications Preparedness” Audio player below. You might ask yourself, “What does navigation have to do with All Hazards Communications Preparedness?” That would be a reasonable question if you are not familiar with search and rescue and disaster communications. Land navigation is integral to mapping…
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October 17, 2018 0

It’s alive! ALIVE! “Maintenance”

It’s alive! ALIVE! “Maintenance” Ryan & Collin Buford “The Next Generation” Audio player below! We barely escaped zombies last week, but now we’re faced with a new terror on the horizon: the Frankenstein in the garage. This week on The Next Generation Show, we will be going over the power of bringing things to life and…
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October 15, 2018 0

Best Outdoor Camping Equipment for Preppers

Best Outdoor Camping Equipment for Preppers Camping is a fantastic opportunity for preppers to exercise their skills and get used to the idea of an emergency situation. So, if you want to be truly prepared pack up the right equipment (as I listed it below) and head to the woods for a night or two…
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October 9, 2018 0

How to Tune your Broadheads!

How to Tune your Broadheads In the off-season, most hunters will keep their skills sharp with regular practice sessions with a bow. This is an invaluable habit that will greatly improve your chances of success when you step into the field on opening day. Unfortunately, if you do not tune your broadheads to your bow,…
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October 4, 2018 0

Secrets Revealed to Land Navigation for Survival

Secrets Revealed to Land Navigation for Survival It is a worst-case scenario for most people. You have been out hiking all day and decide to leave the trail to check out the view or maybe pick some berries.  Before you know it, you have gotten distracted and cannot remember from which direction you came. You…
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September 26, 2018 0

5 Skills Invaluable in a Long-Term Disaster

5 Skills that Will Become Invaluable in a Long-Term Disaster According to the American Prepper Network, the five main skills needed for a long-term disaster are abilities related to power, water, shelter, food, and basic survival skills. My take on this is very similar, except that I’ve replaced power generation experience with medical experience. After…
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September 25, 2018 0

Modern Mans Fire!

Modern Mans Fire! Jordan “A Family Affair” Audio player provided in this post! Since the stone ages depictions of man and fire seemed to go hand in hand with the will to live. Fire is life. So what is something that you think is survival essential number 1? The right Fire. we use fire for…
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September 2, 2018 0

EDC, E&E, and SERE

EDC, E&E, and SERE Host: Dane… “The Gunmetal Armory” Audio player provided! Good day team gunmetal. On this episode we talk all about escape and evasion, survival evasion resistance and Escape, and everyday carry items that can help when you’re trying to escape from a dangerous situation or unlawful captivity. It’s not always the good…
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August 24, 2018 0

Skill sets, Entrepreneurs and Shop Class!

Skill sets, Entrepreneurs and Shop Class! Ryan Buford “The Next Generation” Audio player below There is much to be said about the benefits of early skills training, like wood shop, metal shop and even home economics. The skills learned in these classes were designed to help the youth better serve themselves and each other in…
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August 20, 2018 0

Experienced gardener or just a beginner?

Experienced gardener or just a beginner? Jordan “A Family Affair” Audio player provided in this post! Are you an experienced gardener or just a beginner? Would you like to know where to begin, or expand your knowledge? Are you wanting to get away from pesticides? Finding that your garden just seems to need more? Well…
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August 12, 2018 0

Being Frugal in Preparedness!

Being Frugal in Preparedness! Ryan Buford “The Next Generation” Audio player below! Frugality was a stigma as I grew up. It was something akin to stingy, miserly, unwilling to share. The connotation of being frugal is something over the last few decades has gone so far from its origins that has become something that is…
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July 23, 2018 1

Bushcraft with Craig Avery

Bushcraft with Craig Avery James Walton “I Am Liberty ” Audio player below! We have a special guest on this show to talk about bushcraft among other things. There is something mesmerizing about the art of bushcraft and having the ability to manipulate the world “in the bush” the way that a well seasons practitioner…
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July 12, 2018 1

Vinegar, not just for Fish n Chips!

Vinegar, not just for Fish n Chips! Lynna “A Preppers Path ” Audio player below! Vinegar, one would be hard pressed to find anyone who hasn’t used vinegar in one way or another. We most commonly think of white or apple cider however vinegar can be made from a vast array of things it really…
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July 3, 2018 0