Category: Prepper Mentality

What is a Prepper? & Heart Felt Loss for P.B. N.

People ask me all the time, what is a prepper? Are we what some people think preppers are? Those strange people you see on reality TV that give you the creeps or the homesteader you see at the farmers market. I guess there will always be some that meet that stereotype, but for most preppers…
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September 24, 2013 4

Hope! The Simpleton and Common sense.

The following article, written over a half century ago, I recently stumbled across and for myself it was one that I could not let go of. I read and re-read several times, each leaving me with new visions of what was and what is, of what I hope to be and what I hope I…
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September 21, 2013 0

Life Changes! Be Ready!

Life changes! We all know the only thing that is constant is change. Are you ready for the changes that could come your way? Flood, fire, drought, hurricane, tornado, extreme cold, terrorist event, economic issues and more occur constantly, a fact proven over and over. Now is the time to prepare for the unexpected events…
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September 19, 2013 0

Integrity creating an Indelible Homestead!

Homesteading in essence is built on self-reliance creating and building our stead into a home.  There are many who classify themselves as Homesteaders, Preppers,  Survivalist and even Thrivalist (which I like to call myself) but today let’s not  get hung up on debating the definition that each perceives as true for the title, after all…
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September 2, 2013 0

Built to Last “My Homestead” where I am!

The elderberries are ripe and the first signs of changing seasons are appearing, soon fall will be on the wind. Join Lynna on The Other Side… A Preppers Path as she brings in the first day of September with a smile and a look at Built to Last My Homestead. Often when thinking of a…
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September 1, 2013 0

Survivalists, Preppers and the others, Whats the difference?

About a year ago I wrote a post for the Canadian Preppers Network blog called Two Solitudes. The article was about a division I saw developing between those who consider themselves Preppers and those that consider themselves survivalists. Now, this divide seems to be growing. What’s worse is that there is a whole new category…
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August 24, 2013 0

Lesson’s to be learned from others and ourselves!

In my mid 20′s I bought myself a 1965 convertible Impala and I fixed it up and started hitting all the local car shows. I had a pair of 13×7 Dayton’s, so if you don’t know, it’s a low rider. But that didn’t stop me from going to low rider shows, and hot rod show’s…
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August 23, 2013 1

What you perceive as reality may merely be an illusion.

Remember when you believed notions like, my government has my best interest at heart, the food in my grocery store is safe to eat, what’s reported on network news is the truth, my nest-egg is secure in the bank,  the medical/pharmacological industries care about my health, or that it really mattered if you were a…
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August 22, 2013 2

Throwing in the towel … It’s not an Option

Peace and Power, two terms not always associated together yet intrinsically one in life when paired with the 3rd P. That 3′rd P, Prepared and when life is lived in a prepared way Peace and Power are achieved and we Thrive.  Today on the Other Side of A Preppers Path our journey on the highway…
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August 18, 2013 0

Tom Martin, founder of the American Preppers Network!

On this episode of the Doom and Bloom Hour, Nurse Amy and Dr. Bones interview Tom Martin, founder of the well-known online preparedness community, the American Preppers Network.  Tom also has given the prepper community the International Preppers Network, The Canadian Preppers Network, our State networks and much more. A truck driver constantly traveling…
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August 4, 2013 0

Why preppers are not a cult!

I had a tough time deciding on a topic for this week’s broadcast of The Prepared Canadin.  I could have talked about food storage or water purification again, looked into a top ten list of prepper related gear, or other such subjects, but I felt somewhat uninspired by these ideas.  Then I came across two…
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August 2, 2013 0

Self-sustainability, can you survive on your own?

Join BexarPrepper July 16th at 8pm central time on Preparing for Life’s Storms where my guest will be SoCal Preps from YouTube. SoCal just started prepping a couple of years ago, but if you check out any of his YouTube channels you will see that he’s come a long way in a very short time.…
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July 16, 2013 0

Do’s and don’ts in spreading the preparedness mindset!

The tides have turned!  If we look back about one year ago, it was a hard time to be a prepper.  Discussions of impending doom from various scenarios such as the Mayan calendar, Niburu, and a multitude of other world ending nonsense dominated the news, internet, and even the prepper community.  You couldn’t use the…
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July 6, 2013 0