Category: Preparedness

Building your own systems!

Building your own systems. Why buy? On this episode of the Tech, Build and Grow show, Brett is discusses new build ideas for our preps, homesteads and more. Moving beyond the greenhouse with our automation and build ideas where can we better our lives and make them more efficient?

December 27, 2015 0

Protecting your preps!

What to think about when protecting your preps. D.J. Cooper “Surviving Dystopia” You’ve spent time and energy figuring out what to store and how.  You’ve learned proper storage techniques and spent a significant amount on those cans of tuna and other items you have stored away.  The next thing you know you return from your…
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December 24, 2015 0

Women with guns!

Women with guns! Ok, now that I have your attention… Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” If you enjoy prepper fiction, then you’ll love Annie Berdel’s book, Alpha Farm, The Beginning. Annie will be giving away a paperback copy of her book, as well as an audio copy. Alpha Farm, The Beginning has a solid story with un-apologetically…
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December 14, 2015 0

“Home” Considerations for getting there!

“Home” Considerations for getting there! With so much focus on bugging in and out scenarios, I feel that not a lot is being said about those crucial moments when disaster strikes and you’re away from home. When you’re away from your preps, your bug out bag and your stockpile, things will be that much tougher.…
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December 12, 2015 0

Emergency Evacuations!

Emergency Evacuations and Lisa Bedford Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Everyone wants to know when is it time to “bug out”? Leaving too soon could cost you your job or reputation. Leaving too late could cost you your life. While every circumstance is different, Lisa gave this question its own chapter and covered the topic…
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December 7, 2015 0

Communication with others!

Communication with others! James Walton “I Am Liberty” I was talking with a woman the other day who i assumed was very left wing. I am always shocked at how similar we all are. The problems become evident when we dont understand how to communicate. This is half the problem in America today. If you…
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November 21, 2015 0

Technology, preparedness aspect!

Do You Have Your Technology Affairs In Order? Karen Lynn “Lil’ Suburban Homestead” As we know it’s not if an emergency happens it’s when… and one aspect that many folks forget about is having their technology affairs in order? Preppers are preppers because they have the food, the bug out bags, and everything

November 13, 2015 0

Survival Skills For Women

Survival Skills For Women A general perception about women is that they are weak and vulnerable and are not capable of handling tough situations as people think they react more easily than their male counterparts. It’s not just men who believe in this whole women being weak concept but most women sell themselves short when…
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October 24, 2015 0

Prepper/Survival Myths

Prepper/Survival Myths Host: James “I Am Liberty” We are all learning. Every day we are reading and learning. How to’s and What if’s. The thing is now more than ever there are many keyboard survivalists and article writers who are looking to get traffic with outlandish articles that could hurt you more than help you. 

October 16, 2015 0

Trapped in a Riot. Now What?

So You’re Trapped in a Riot. Now What? Ferguson and Baltimore showed us everything’s possible when it comes to social unrest. It takes days, even hours from things to go from bad to worse and if we have to learn to protect ourselves and our families. Here’s how…

October 9, 2015 1

Where’s the focus?

Where’s the focus? DJ Cooper “Surviving Dystopia” As we go about our daily lives we get wrapped up in things that are our focus. Where that focus is will be where our efforts are expended. But what happens when that focus is shifted or fragmented? Our thoughts and actions become the same. This week I…
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October 7, 2015 0

Hurricane Joaquin, before and after!

Hurricane, before and after! James Walton “I Am Liberty” As millions brace for the possible effects of Hurricane Joaquin I thought a reasonable time to talk about hurricane preparedness. Like preparing for other natural disasters Hurricane preparedness is part of an overarching plan that doesn’t just take place during the hurricane season. A hurricane is…
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October 2, 2015 0

Who is Survivor Jane?

Who is Survivor Jane? Karen Lynn “Lil’ Suburban Homestead” Jane is city-girl turned prepper/homesteader – moving to the Appalachian Mountains from Central Florida.  She is the creator and editor of the disaster survival and preparedness website Her mission has become educating people on how to better prepare themselves by sharing her experiences and research…
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September 24, 2015 1