Category: Preparedness

Kate Morris and The McClane Apocalypse

Kate Morris and The McClane Apocalypse Richard McGrath ” Finding Freedom” Audio in player below! This week we have another author Kate Morris who is also a homesteader. We will dive in and talk about prepping, freedom, homesteading, and her books also be sure to check her out on Facebook as well.

January 25, 2017 2

Inauguration, rebellion, and Samuel Culper on Intel!

Inauguration, rebellion, and Samuel Culper on Intel ! Forrest & Kyle “The Prepping Academy” Audio in player below! On this week’s show in player below we will be changing up gears. Obviously January 20th is a much anticipated day. President Elect Trump will be sworn in and we will be saying farewell to President Obama.…
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January 21, 2017 0

Winter Survival & Preparedness!

Winter Survival & Preparedness Forrest & Kyle “The Prepping Academy” Audio in player below! On this episode of The Prepping Academy we cover something essential for this time of year. Winter survival. Every year we hear about American’s going off the roads and getting stranded. Even worse, we hear about people freezing to death in their…
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January 14, 2017 0

The 2017 Prepper Community

The 2017 Prepper Community James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio in player below! As we head into another year it’s my duty to batter you with ideas about engaging your community. I truly believe that this is the way to liberation. I think if we can build sustainable and powerful communities across the nation we…
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January 12, 2017 0

Prepping 101 In the beginning… or

Prepping 101 In the beginning… or… How I scared the crap out of myself. Richard McGrath ” Finding Freedom” Audio in player below! Where to start and what to do when you come to realize that we really are not as secure and comfortable as we like to think we are.Once the shade is lifted…
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January 11, 2017 0

Prepping in 2017, Why?

Prepping in 2017, Why? Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Audio in player below! This week’s show is a look into what will prepping look like in 2017 and specifically areas of herbal medicine will be critical. I get it. It’s a new year. A new president will take office in a few weeks. Many people…
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January 9, 2017 0

A Beginners Guide to Prepping!

A Beginners Guide to Prepping! If you’re just starting off in the world of prepping, welcome to the team! If you’re still contemplating whether to get on board, hopefully this will persuade you to the light. It may seem a like a daunting task to begin preparing for the worst, but if you know where…
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January 7, 2017 0

Predicting The Future!

Predicting The Future! Forrest & Kyle “The Prepping Academy” Audio in player below! Welcome to “The Preppig Academy.” This program in the player below is all about the future. That’s right, Forrest and Kyle predict the future. Well, kind of; you’ll have to stay alive and listen next year to see if they were right!

January 7, 2017 0

Preppers Resolutions, for the New Year

Preppers Resolutions, for the New Year and Beyond Bobby Akart “Prepping For Tomorrow” Audio in player below! We are going to set the tone for the New Year, and beyond on this episode of the Prepping for Tomorrow program. Bestselling author, and founder of Freedom Preppers, Bobby Akart, will share his suggested resolutions for Preppers,…
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January 6, 2017 0

Getting Your Family on Board!

Getting Your Family on Board! Forrest & Kyle “The Prepping Academy” Audio in player below! It’s that time of the year again. Your holiday shopping is finished, there’s nutmeg in the fridge, pies on the cooling rack, and presents to wrap. Your family has come in to town, or maybe you’ve driven 13 hours to…
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December 31, 2016 0

2016: An Apocalyptic Thrill Ride

2016: An Apocalyptic Thrill Ride Host: Bobby Akart “Prepping For Tomorrow“ Audio in player below! On this year-end episode of the Prepping for Tomorrow program, bestselling Author Bobby Akart looks back upon 2016 and the apocalyptic roller coaster ride it provided us all. 2016 provided us one of the most intriguing political elections in our…
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December 30, 2016 0

Alternative Transportation!

Alternative Transportation Bob Hawkins “The APN Report” Listen in player below! Being prepared in this day & age means more than preparing your habitat for crisis, it also means prepping your mobility. Our entire lives revolve around the automobile, our towns & cities accommodate it, or livelihood depends upon mobility, even the food we eat…
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December 18, 2016 0

Bushcraft and Primitive Skills With Joshua Kirk

Bushcraft and Primitive Skills Discussion With Joshua Kirk Richard McGrath “Finding Freedom” Audio in player below! Join Rich in player below as he talks about Bushcraft, primitive skills, and survival. Special guest is Joshua “Native” Kirk from the 4 Winds Survival School. From the young age of six Joshua was hunting game, setting traps, tanning…
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December 14, 2016 0