Category: Mind Set

Myths and Rants!

Prepper Myths and Rants Highlander “Survival and Tech Preps” Are you familiar with the ever ending myths that go behind prepping? I will answer some  of these questions that non preppers ask all of the time. Questions such as, are we all just paranoid loons? Do we all wear tin foil hats waiting for the end?…
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February 16, 2016 1

Is Prepping Enough?

Is Prepping Enough? Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Last week, I found myself in a conversation that troubled me deeply. I can’t get it out of my mind. Even though I had something else in mind for this week’s episode, my mind kept coming back to this conversation. This needs to be discussed. If you…
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February 15, 2016 0

Be creative, make it yourself!

Be creative, make it yourself! Brett Bauma “Makers On Acres” On the next episode of the Makers On Acres Tech, Build and Grow show we are going to be talking about getting creative and starting to make our own things for life.

February 14, 2016 0

Self Reliant, breaking free!

Self Reliant, breaking free! Brett Bauma “Makers On Acres” On this episode of Makers on Acres Tech, Build and Grow Show we are going to be discussing breaking free from the social norm and becoming self reliant and self-aware.

January 9, 2016 0

Religion, influence on America!

Religion, Influence on America James Walton “I Am Liberty” In a country where religion is moving towards the outskirts and people feel better about simply closing the book on divinity we cannot deny its influence on America. Both today and during

December 18, 2015 0

Communication with others!

Communication with others! James Walton “I Am Liberty” I was talking with a woman the other day who i assumed was very left wing. I am always shocked at how similar we all are. The problems become evident when we dont understand how to communicate. This is half the problem in America today. If you…
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November 21, 2015 0

Penny Pinching Projects!

Penny Pinching Projects for Preppers… D.J. Cooper “Surviving Dystopia” Well now isn’t that a tongue twister? But seriously, a great topic I think. After last week’s chat about others around us not agreeing with why we prep. It seems only fitting that we discuss some things to help us prep without breaking the bank. There…
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October 29, 2015 0

Survival Skills For Women

Survival Skills For Women A general perception about women is that they are weak and vulnerable and are not capable of handling tough situations as people think they react more easily than their male counterparts. It’s not just men who believe in this whole women being weak concept but most women sell themselves short when…
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October 24, 2015 0

Blank page in prepping?

Blank page in prepping? D.J.Cooper “Surviving Dystopia” I sat down tonight after a long week and a long drive to Louisville getting in the night before so I could be up and chipper first thing in the morning for the NPS expo. Suddenly, I get the message asking about where this very article is. Darn…
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October 14, 2015 0

Where’s the focus?

Where’s the focus? DJ Cooper “Surviving Dystopia” As we go about our daily lives we get wrapped up in things that are our focus. Where that focus is will be where our efforts are expended. But what happens when that focus is shifted or fragmented? Our thoughts and actions become the same. This week I…
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October 7, 2015 0

Hunting, more than a sport!

Why I Started Hunting James Walton “I Am Liberty” Standing on the edge of summer it’s easy to look off the cliff and see into the dark dismal valley of winter. I hate winter. Still, the holidays that come along with it make it bearable. Then of course there is hunting. I am no seasoned…
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September 4, 2015 0


WILLPOWER, CAVEMEN AND TUBERS James Walton “I Am Liberty” Running up a stiff incline the other day I thought about willpower and a book about the finite daily resource that is willpower. I thought about a fed up American population that is stressed to the max about issues both personal and social. Willpower is often…
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August 21, 2015 2

The New Prepper Overload!

The New Prepper Overload DJ Cooper “Surviving Dystopia” It happens… New and Old to the world of Prepping sometimes things just get overwhelming and we need to take a breather.  It is important to keep our priorities in line so that we can better plan our preparedness. Whether we use checklists or a system of…
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August 12, 2015 0