Category: Mind Set

Intro to Prepping – 101

Intro to Prepping – 101 A step-by-step process to becoming a prepared prepper. Forrest Garvin “”The PreppingAcademy” On this episode Forrest and Kyle begin their “Intro To Prepping 101” series. We’ll also hear more on why they became Preppers and reasons you should too! Whether you’ve been a prepper since the Cuban Missile Crisis, or just…
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July 23, 2016 0

Extroverts or Introverts in Prepping!

Extroverts or Introverts in Prepping! Highlander “Survival and Tech Preps” I bet most of you have never even heard these terms before right? Well basically an extrovert is a very outgoing, and friendly type of person whereas an introvert is not. Introversion is a personality trait characterized by a focus on internal feelings rather than on…
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July 19, 2016 0

Don’t Lose the Mental Game!

Don’t Lose the Mental Game Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Preppers and survivalists, I have a vital message that a lot of you won’t want to hear: It is imperative that you keep your head in the game and keep calm. I know, with all the signs of increased terror activity, the shenanigans of

July 18, 2016 0

Paranoia in prepping good or bad?

Paranoia in prepping  good or bad? Highlander “Survival & Tech Preps” We often get called paranoid and crazy. We also get told that nothing will ever happen, we will be fine, and we do not have to worry about anything. I am sure the people who suffered Katrina, or Fukushima thought the same thing till disaster hit…
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May 17, 2016 0

Navigating Grief!

Navigating Grief D J Cooper “Surviving Dystopia” This week has been a real struggle for me to even write this.  My family recently suffered a tragedy that had me literally unable to accomplish things I needed to do.  My perspective changed as to what was a priority.  School work did not get done, this write…
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May 5, 2016 0

Are Preppers Hoarders?

Are Preppers Hoarders? Highlander “Survival & Tech Preps” The question of this show is this, are preppers hoarders? Do hoarders use the prepping venue to mask their illness and cover up their hoarding ways? Or are all preppers just natural hoarders? This question is hard to answer and might bring up a few questions of…
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May 3, 2016 0

Prepper insurance ideas!

Prepper insurance ideas! Highlander “Survival & Tech Preps” This topic is something that I have seen a lot in discussion lately, a lot of us prep, store food, store weapons, medical supplies and the like. But the question is do we have prepper insurance? What I mean by this is do we have backups for…
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April 26, 2016 0

Priorities -vs- comfort!

Priorities -vs- comfort DJ Cooper “Surviving Dystopia” In our preparations we tend to focus on the priorities. Usually these are a pretty standard list of things.  Water, food, shelter, first aid and security.  We always seem to find some new gadget or item to add to these groups but forget something that could be just…
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April 21, 2016 0

Is Prepping Really Dead?

Is Prepping Really Dead? Highlander “survival & Tech Preps” In these days of doubt can we really say Prepping is dead? Or are we now labeled as paranoid wackos with guns in the woods? After the flop of certain tv shows that depicted preppers in a very bad light, what are we thought of now?…
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April 19, 2016 0

Infant Homestead!

Infant Homestead! James Walton “I Am Liberty” When I bought my house it had a regular grass lawn and a nice size yard. We had land to explore behind the house and at the time I had no doubt what to do with it. I was thinking tree houses, jungle gyms, pool? Then a hurricane…
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April 16, 2016 0

Personal Sustainability!

Personal Sustainability! Brett Bauma “Makers on Acres” On the next episode of the Makers On Acres Tech. Build and Grow Show, we are going to be talking about our own personal sustainability. Many of us dream of living a self-reliant lifestyle. The road to true self-reliance can be one that has many road blocks and…
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April 10, 2016 0

Historically Speaking!

Historically Speaking DJ Cooper “Surviving Dystopia” ‘Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.’ – George Santayana This week on Surviving Dystopia stop into the chat and share your thoughts as we touch on a few factors in the past and examine how they relate to our future. Have you ever

March 17, 2016 0

Spring, getting prepared!

Spring, getting prepared! James Walton “I Am Liberty” It seems like every warm day in Winter is brings such a deep hope of whats to come. I don’t know about you but I experience winter fatigue about 3 days into the season. Not really. After the holidays though I do begin to climb the walls.

February 20, 2016 0