Category: Mind Set

Tony Nester and the mindset of self-reliance!

The WAIT is over! We are on the schedule.  Veteran Survival Instructor Tony Nester of Ancient Pathways will be joining the Other Side of a Preppers Path Mon. Oct 29th 7pm eastern in his first of two full shows. We’ll begin with the mindset of self-reliance. Who needs it? In a nutshell EVERYBODY!  The proven most effective way to…
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October 29, 2012 0

Who are the zombies? Where are the zombies? Are we the zombies and don’t know it?

Halloween is just around the corner (cue scary music).  Everyone loves a little scare from time to time.  Ghosts, ghouls, creepy crawlies, things that go bump in the night and let’s not forget zombies!  Thursday night on the Homestead Honey Hour, join Noreen when her topic will be The Zombie Phenomenon!  Zombies, zombies everywhere and…
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October 18, 2012 0

What happened to the good ole head count?

Ok , I am shocked, naively surprised maybe?   I just read that they are scanning palm prints of elementary students to pay for their school lunch? Really? Let’s get real folks that’s being fingerprinted!!!  and why…hello big brother!! Is this a necessity? What do you think, I think we don’t have enough jobs as it…
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October 8, 2012 0

Dealing with trying times ahead on The Homestead Honey Hour!

On this show of the Homestead Honey Hour, Noreen will be taking the wheel and bringing on a heavy topic.  Have you been paying attention?  Our world is turning topsy turvy.  From turmoil in the middle east to trouble on the home front, we are facing trying times here in America and across the world.  …
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September 20, 2012 1

“Common Sense Prepping” We have that!

“Common Sense Prepping” We have that! Their is a new show in town “Common Sense Prepping” with Deb aka “PerbainPrepper” and this weeks guests will be SouthernBelle and a few of Debs’ students, who will discuss how preparation has given them a calm heart in fearful times. Deb talks about common sense things we can do right now to plan…
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September 14, 2012 0

Desperate times for Preppers?

“The Disturbance in the Force”  Join Prepping With GoatHollow this Wed at 8pm Central time, for a discussion on becoming desperate.  As “Preppers”, we seem to be getting more and more worried about the way things are going.  It seems like time is getting shorter, and it’s as if you can feel it in the…
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September 12, 2012 0

Challenges! You can Prep, you can be READY!

When faced with a challenge many believe it’s impossible! As Preppers we focus on the challenges of Prepping! Climbing Mt Everest; descending into the Marianas Trench; raising a child…All thought impossible by someone somewhere until THEY DID IT! Lynna’s guest on this episode of “The Other Side…A Preppers Path” is well known prepper, radio host, blogger, and author The Covert…
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August 16, 2012 0