Category: Mind Set

Google prepare, preparation or prepper and what do you get?

Have you noticed? While the term prepper might be getting a bit of a slap have you noticed what’s going on?  Take a look at Facebook and the posts appearing on so many walls, type “prepare, preparation or prepper” in your browser, how many hits are you getting.  YES it’s happening; the small grassroots ripple to…
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May 6, 2013 0

Main stream media and cow manure!

This week’s episode of “Charlie in the Box” was about all the news that the main streem media talks about. Let’s see if they’re giving us anything to bite into or is it all more cow manure. There’s a lot of stuff that’s missed and can’t seem to get any one of them to talk…
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May 3, 2013 0

Expectations of yourself and that of others!

Expectations. It’s been an ugly week and I attribute many of the problems in my world to the lack of expectations put on people. Great relationships, great businesses run with help of expectations from those involved. So why don’t we expect things from our fellow Americans. I have said before I expect the Muslim religion…
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May 3, 2013 0

Being prepared in life is an attitude, and a personal choice. It’s an approach to life.

Tonight 4/24/2013 9pm/Est.  8pm/Ct.  on GoatHollow and the Surreal News Special Guest: “Living ready” Magazine Author: Doug Carlstens You and I know that being one of those people that are now called “Doomsday Preppers”, means that most of society, and especially the main stream media, are going to portray you as being a bit well…………
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April 24, 2013 0

Armageddon Preppin and a look at the current situation in North Korea!

This week on The Prepared Canadian I have a product review for something that I feel has been lacking in the prepper community for some time.  It’s a card game called Armageddon Preppin and it will be on sale soon, so be sure to look out for it. Also, I’ll take a look at the…
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April 13, 2013 0

How not to get overwhelmed as a new prepper and why you shouldn’t!

As a seasoned prepper sometimes we forget just how we felt when we woke up.  With all the new prepper’s that are awakening, I’d like to take a step back in time on this episode of Preparing For Life’s Storms to guide those around us. Think back to when you first felt the tugging of…
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March 19, 2013 0

The Premier of “Charlie in the Box Radio”

This first show of Charlie In The Box is not going to be like any others that you’ve listen too. I need you to always have ready a pen and paper, the information that I will be sharing needs to be researched for yourself. I would never want you to believe me. If there is…
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February 23, 2013 0

“What if?” only two small words, but with enormous consequences.

What If?  A question that is often asked in our lives  ”What if?” is the catalyst for why many people choose to prepare for hard times, purchase insurance on their homes, cars and lives and is the reason for why so many of us are grateful that things are not worse! The question of “What…
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February 21, 2013 0

Has good old common sense got up and gone these days?

We can easily get distracted with all of the things going on in the world today.  Deb and Dale are going to get back to the basics and talk about good old common sense prepping. There are many things to worry about and only so much we can do regardless of – if you fear…
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February 15, 2013 0

First-hand accounts about the life of a true homesteader!

There is a lot of interest in being self-sufficient these days. People are looking for information on how to grow and store their own food, provide their own meats, go off-grid with solar setups… get out of the system so to speak. We see a lot of these things in videos and on TV, and…
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February 1, 2013 0

Foraging for balance in today’s world.

Foraging for balance in today’s world. Typically on my foraging for life shows I speak about the wild edibles and herbs. This week on Foraging For Life I will be taking a different approach to things and welcome the audience to join me in a discussion concerning balance. The world we grew up in as…
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January 25, 2013 0

2013…Bring it On! Focus on, what will bring our families success and happiness.

2013, is upon us! Although we could preoccupy ourselves with the same kinds of things we focused on in 2012, a mistake new preppers make is to focus on the problem rather than the solution. You bring about what you think about, and what you talk about, because that’s your focus.  Let’s talk about, and…
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January 3, 2013 0

Institute REAL change into your life and maybe even into the world!

Christmas is upon us and we are all still in the holiday spirit!  We are coming out of the whirlwind of shopping, baking, giving, getting and we are tired! The world did not come to a screeching halt last week, most of us did not win the lottery and the New Year is approaching!  Tune in…
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December 27, 2012 0