Category: Handicaps

Dealing with the elderly and the disabled

Dealing with the elderly and the disabled Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below! In this show EK is back to discuss the elderly and the disabled members of your group and why they are a vital component. Many preppers out there have the mindset that the weak, old, or infirmed are going to have to…
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September 30, 2017 0

Special Needs Prepping!

Special Needs Prepping DJ Cooper “Surviving Dystopia” What do I mean by special needs? I mean anything that can be a need for a member of your family or group that may not be considered under the “normal” needs we prepare for. This past weekend when I kept trying to write this show information I…
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March 31, 2016 0

Going Bunkers!

Going Bunkers Host: Jackie “Apocalypse Nana” Welcome again to another Apocalypse Nana show! This week we will discuss schizophrenia, depression, compulsive obsessive actions, bunker fever, and other mentally challenging ailments in the bunker. So grab those pink and blue pills, medicinal injections, aromatherapy concoctions, and specialized smoking anecdotes and enter–at your own risk, of course–Nana’s…
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March 5, 2015 0

Hard times, disabilities and difficulties! A goat turd sling shot?

This week on The Crooked Path to Preparedness we are going to discuss prepping through hard times, disabilities and difficulties. Life is always throwing something at us and sometimes it seems like we just can’t get our head above water and focused on what we need to do to be more prepared.  We get to…
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October 9, 2012 0

The Physical Aspects of prepping…

This show on “The Lost Art of Prepping” will be about the Physical Aspects of prepping and self reliance. We will go into depth on how physical surviving can be and how much work and effort you will exert and ways of being ready for such a demand. For example are you truly ready to…
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August 22, 2012 0

Homestead In A Rental on The Crooked Path to Preparedness!

There Is No Such Thing As I Can’t!  Sissy Bob, the host of  “The Crooked Path to Preparedness” has a very encouraging and inspirational guest, Helen from HomesteadInARental.   Helen and her husband, Tim,  have a very inspirational story they have agreed to share with us.  they are currently doing their best to homestead and prep with…
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August 14, 2012 0

Homesteading and prepping when you have physical limitations!

This airing of The Homestead Honey Hour I would like to talk about homesteading and prepping when you have physical limitations.  Now it is no secret that I have two kinds of arthritis, Fibromyalgia and weight issues that despite gastric bypass surgery and careful eating will likely never change. I have a curve in my…
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August 9, 2012 0

Preppers with Special Needs!

Special Needs? Just what are special needs, who has special needs? We think we know the answers to these questions and often ignore information using the term “special needs” because we don’t think it applies.  This broadcast on Tuesday 6/19 was about special needs and how special you really are.  Co-founder Janet Liebsch of FedHealth and…
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June 20, 2012 0