Category: Groups

Appetite for Desperation, Radical Groups!

Appetite for Desperation, Radical Groups! Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty” In response to the absolutely baffling article that came out in the Telegraph a few days ago about members of the Klu Klux Klan bolstering recruitment efforts in several states in America I thought it best that we talk about fringe groups tonight on…
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April 4, 2014 0

Efficiency & Productivity!

Efficiency & Productivity! Host: Lynna “The Other Side… A Preppers Path” Assistance Groups: You scratch my back I’ll scratch yours! Mutual Assistance Groups aka MAG’s are the epitome of this old saying with a lot more to boot. What are Mutual Assistance Groups, Mutual Assistance Associations or a host of other names? What can a MAG…
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March 23, 2014 0

Preparedness, Survivalist and Related Expos!

Preparedness, Survivalist and Related Expos! Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty” I think it’s time for a bit of a break from the world affairs. This week I stumbled upon a guest that I think has something to offer us that I haven’t presented on this show yet. PJ Graves of the The Prepper Flyer.…
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March 20, 2014 0

The Seeds We Sow Every Day!

The Seeds We Sow Every Day “Best of Prepper Broadcasting“ Host: Bobby MHPGardener As important as seeds are for growing food, there are some seeds that I feel are much more important. I’d like to talk about the seeds we sow each day by our actions. In everything that we say and do, we plant…
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January 14, 2014 0

School, The New Threat to Children!

School, The New Threat to Children Host: James “I Am Liberty” I think every generation looks at the society and proclaims it to be “falling apart.” Nothing like the good ol’ days. Well what were once baggy pants, piercings, tattoos and pregnancies I think our children’s schools have set a new precedent and that is…
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January 10, 2014 0

All Is Not Lost On Non Preppers!

All Is Not Lost On Non Preppers! Host: Denob “The Prepared Canadian“ Last week, I took a break from recording in order to go back to my hometown to help out some non preppers. On December 22, between 20 and 40 mm of freezing rain fell on several towns in the Eastern Townships of Quebec.…
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January 4, 2014 0

Assessment 2014 SHTF

Assessment 2014 SHTF  Host: James “I Am Liberty” Here at I AM Liberty we really appreciate setting goals for each year. It was this mindset that actually created the Reroot USA movement. I grew tired of not fixing problems and just whining about them. It was then as 2012 came to a close and we all…
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December 20, 2013 0

There are Thinkers and Doers Which are you?

There are Thinkers and Doers Which are you? Host: James “I Am Liberty How weak and powerless are we? There is a phrase that is floating all around the internet on blogs, emails and social media. It’s one that goes usually something like this “Well (insert government program) sucks but I can’t do anything about…
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December 13, 2013 0

Prepping for a Suburban or Rural Community

Prepping for a Suburban or Rural Community Host: Tara “Common Sense Prepping” Prepping for a Suburban or Rural Community author Michael Mabee is this weeks’ Common Sense Prepping radio show guest. Mike is very concerned about the vulnerabilities of the power grid and what would happen in American should the fragile electrical system fail. Mabee…
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November 25, 2013 0

Prepper Group Jury The Decision?

Prepper Group Jury: The Decision? Our group has a jury made up of three people who were voted in more than 6 months ago when thirty of us abandoned our homes and arrived at our retreat. Since the disaster that set us back 500 years these three people have settled all arguments and made the…
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November 18, 2013 3

MAGS: Mutual Assistance Groups!

Mutual Assistance Groups! Host: Tara “Common Sense Prepping” Charley Hogwood of P.R.E.P. (Personal Readiness Education Programs) is the featured guest on the next episode of Tara and Common Sense Prepping. Hogwood’s preparedness and tactical training related resume is lengthy, to say the least. In addition to offering extensive and personally detailed survival training courses at his…
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November 17, 2013 0

Mutual Assistance Groups

Assistance Groups: You scratch my back I’ll scratch yours! Mutual Assistance Groups aka MAG’s are the epitome of this old saying with a lot more to boot. What are Mutual Assistance Groups, Mutual Assistance Associations or a host of other names? What can a MAG do for you or not. The term when searched on line…
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September 29, 2013 0

What is a Prepper? & Heart Felt Loss for P.B. N.

People ask me all the time, what is a prepper? Are we what some people think preppers are? Those strange people you see on reality TV that give you the creeps or the homesteader you see at the farmers market. I guess there will always be some that meet that stereotype, but for most preppers…
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September 24, 2013 4