Category: Politics

Mass Shootings Guns and the Blame Game

Mass Shootings Guns and the Blame Game! James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio player below! This week we are starting a 3 part series on mass shootings. The first week is going to be an in depth discussion about guns. We know the role that they play in these disasters but what do we really…
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March 22, 2018 0

Preparing for Gun Control as Responsible Gun Owners!

Preparing for Gun Control as Responsible Gun Owners Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio player below! While we have seen quite a bit of blame laid across the board I have noticed that the AR15 is taking a lot of heat. I have heard some of the solutions proposed and of course, for the…
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February 22, 2018 0

Core Goals Standing the Test of Time!

Core Goals Standing the Test of Time. Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio player below! What has I AM Liberty become? Over these 6 years the show has gone from a strange learning experiment to a tactical and targeted effort to affect the nation the best way the host sees fit. As I write…
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February 8, 2018 0

Homeland Security changes course prepares for Nuclear War!

Homeland Security changes course prepares for Nuclear War! This could be everything; it may be nothing. I recently received a letter from a credible person I know fairly well and the information within should be extremely concerning to anyone who lives in the U.S. or even abroad. With the threat of North Korea, the following…
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December 18, 2017 1

To bray and to act no different!

To bray and to act no different! James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio player below! I haven’t seen such weakness in a long time. The faces carrying the torches were among the saddest and most predictable creatures I have seen in all of America. The same type that would bray about ISIS but they looked…
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August 17, 2017 0

Communication Security practicing through obscurity!

Communication Security practicing through obscurity! Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below! Have you ever thought you were being followed? Have you ever seen that one particular vehicle everywhere you go? Are you nervous that the government is after you? Well let me set your fears to rest. You are being tracked and there is…
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August 12, 2017 0

Ancient Coins and Currency

Ancient Coins and Currency Ray Becker… “The Ray Becker Show” Audio player provided! Economic news and report on Market conditions and indices. ALSO Discussion about ancient coins and forms of money. Ancient Israel, Greece, Rome and the other advanced civilizations. Also look at coins and forms of payment for other civilizations. From ancient currency we’ll…
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July 26, 2017 0

Knowledge & Exchange

Knowledge & Exchange Ray Becker “This show” Audio player provided! I feel the need to change gears from what I’ve been covering to something that I believe is critical. Most of us were poorly educated and in fact, we were indoctrinated. This still goes on to this very day. When did this all go wrong?…
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July 12, 2017 0

Renaissance Man introductory show economy and more!

Renaissance Man introductory show economy and more! Ray Becker “Renaissance Man” Audio in player below! On this, my first show with Prepper Broadcasting Network, I will start off with a brief introduction about me and some of the information that I will be covering. We will then look over some economic indexes and any key…
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May 28, 2017 0

Communist Attack on Self Reliance!

Communist Attack on Self Reliance Host: James Walton “Visit I Am Liberty” Audio in player below! Can we get a little historic? Can we look at some of the early communist teachings? Not in the black board and chalk method ‘a la Glen Beck’ but from the prepper stand point. As an American its pretty…
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March 16, 2017 0

Privacy with Dr. Katherine Albrecht on Off Grid Preppers

Privacy with Dr. Katherine Albrecht on Off Grid Preppers Host Barbara Fix “Off Grid Preppers” Audio in player below! Most of us have heroes. Mine happens to be Dr. Katherine Albrecht who is considered one of the world’s foremost privacy advocates.  If you want to know how smart phones, GPS, RFID, facial recognition, and remote…
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January 24, 2017 3

After Casual Communism, Racial Division & Angst!

After Casual Communism, Racial Division & Angst! James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio in player below! On this special edition of the I AM Liberty Show we are going to celebrate the peaceful transfer of power in the United States. In straight forward terms we are celebrating the end of the Obama age. Let’s be…
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January 22, 2017 0

Inauguration, rebellion, and Samuel Culper on Intel!

Inauguration, rebellion, and Samuel Culper on Intel ! Forrest & Kyle “The Prepping Academy” Audio in player below! On this week’s show in player below we will be changing up gears. Obviously January 20th is a much anticipated day. President Elect Trump will be sworn in and we will be saying farewell to President Obama.…
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January 21, 2017 0