Category: Politics

The Surreal News! Sunday 8/12/2012

Join us this Sunday for a full thirty minutes of The Surreal news!  Where our host Doug brings you the news that the “Main stream media” would rather not have you hear…. The stuff that they bury on page 56.  The life is stranger than fiction stories, that make you wonder, if you are still…
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August 11, 2012 1

Prepper Folks, The fourth amendment, and more!

We had a great discussion last Saturday on “Prepper Folks” and we thank those who listened in, those who joined in the the Prepper Broadcasting chat and those who called in an joined the broadcast!  This Saturday we continued our discussion of privacy and surveillance.  We picked up where we left of discussing The fourth…
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August 11, 2012 0

The Preppers Poitin Hour visits Florida Charter Oaks militia

This week on The Preppers Poitin Hour, I interviewed somebody that walks the walk when it comes to asserting their rights.  Although it is sometimes a controversial issue with the sound bite driven mainstream media influencing the flock and the politicians faithfully bleating to the plutocrat’s script, the militia movement is oft maligned and seldom…
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August 6, 2012 0

It’s my right! I have a right!! We have rights!!

It’s my right!  I have a right!! We have rights!! Rights.  It is an often used word but what is a right??  What are OUR actual rights?  With the dumbing down of this nation, I suspect that, per capita, more naturalized citizens know the answers than natural born citizens.  We are going to be discussing…
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July 30, 2012 0

The Surreal news! Sunday 7/29/2012

The Surreal news!  Where our host Doug brings you the news that the “Main stream media” would rather not have you hear…. The stuff that they bury on page 56.  The life is stranger than fiction stories, that make you wonder, if you are still living in the same world.  Are you becoming certifiably insane?…
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July 30, 2012 0

“Real Economics” for the “Average Joe & Jane”

Our regular host, Christine was not able to do show tonight as she was with her daughter waiting  for the birth of her new grand baby, congrats Christine. As a true Prepper Christine had a backup. Bill Swindler takes the wheel as fill in host for Christine “Great Job Bill” and along with guest Mr…
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July 28, 2012 0

The Surreal News Sunday 7/22/2012

The Surreal news!  Where our host Doug brings you the news that the “Main stream media” would rather not have you hear…. The stuff that they bury on page 56.  The life is stranger than fiction stories, that make you wonder, if you are still living in the same world.  Are you becoming certifiably insane?…
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July 23, 2012 0

The Surreal News! Sunday 7/15/2012

The Surreal news 7/15/2012!  Where our host Doug brings you the news that the “Main stream media” would rather not have you hear…. The stuff that they bury on page 56.  The life is stranger than fiction stories, that make you wonder, if you are still living in the same world.  Are you becoming certifiably…
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July 15, 2012 0

The Economy on The Preppers Poitin Hour!

What commodity or other economic signs or tea leaves do you monitor in the course of your prepping? Are you watching the retail price of fuel? Milk? Electricity?  Are you looking for shortages of fresh fruit? Meat? Grains?  Let us look for signs of impending crisis and decide what we will do at certain price…
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July 10, 2012 0

The Surreal News!on American Preppers Radio!

The Surreal news!  Where our host Doug brings you the news that the “Main stream media” would rather not have you hear…. The stuff that they bury on page 56.  The life is stranger than fiction stories, that make you wonder, if you are still living in the same world.  Are you becoming certifiably insane?…
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July 8, 2012 0

The Surreal News 6/24/2012

The Surreal news!  Where our host Doug brings you the news that the “Main stream media” would rather not have you hear…. The stuff that they bury on page 56.  The life is stranger than fiction stories, that make you wonder, if you are still living in the same world.  Are you becoming certifiably insane?…
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June 24, 2012 0

Prepping With GoatHollow does the Surreal News!

Because of the special interview our host provided us with on his Sunday show “The Surreal News” with guest from Spike Tv we will get a dose of some surreal news on this episode of The Surreal News. If you have never caught a Sunday show you will definitely not want to miss show in…
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June 20, 2012 0

The Surreal News Sunday 6/3/2012

The Surreal news for Sunday 5/27/2012.  The news that the “Main stream media” would rather not have you hear…. The stuff that they bury on page 56.  The life is stranger than fiction stories, that make you wonder, if you are still living in the same world.  Are you becoming certifiably insane?  Or, have you…
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June 3, 2012 0